Tidal Town

Let me guess, you’re one of those “screw the libs” people that thinks the way you think has secretly been the majority all along and you’re now finally coming out of the woodwork? Pretty close?

…what’s wrong with old(er) music?

Twitter cannot remove your ability to speak, it can simply remove your ability to speak on their platform. There is no removal of “freedom of speech” here. It’s a big olnothingburger, to borrow the colloquialism.

I always prefer to be proactive rather than reactive, even if it’s just a defensive stance while we wait and see.

Uh, I’m gonna go with “Yes It Can” for $500, Alex.

This is either great sarcasm or the stupidest thing I’ll read today.

No, you’re just upset that a private company (and the rest of us) are tired of hearing the same word vomit from specific groups of people and, here’s the kicker, “freedom of speech” does not mean “freedom from consequences” and you can absolutely be marginalized by your peers in a setting such as that. You’re entitled

Private corporations have always been allowed to “police speech”. They are private. “Freedom of Speech” only applies to persecution by the government thanks to the First Amendment. It’s always been that way.

And here we see yet another perfect example of a Trump supporter denying facts and reality in the face of supporting their god-emperor. They care only about loving trump and trolling “libs”. They are a cult.

…what shit? A good actor getting good roles?

…so let’s make everything legal then? That’s essentially where your “logic” ultimately leads when you make that cliche.

Because we’re still doubling-down on the stupid War on Drugs™?

Unless you checkpoint every entrance into Chicago (which doesn’t have these super-strict gun laws you think it does) then nothing is stopping someone from driving ~one hour to Indiana to buy guns.

…how did you shoehorn the Civil Rights Movement into this?

And, and it shouldn’t have taken that long. I’m not defending that shit cover-up. But they did finally get rid of him whereas conservatives circle the wagons and embrace them. Both have issues, but they are not equal. One is demonstrably worse.

If we didn’t have a first-past-the-post system, sure.

The difference is liberals threw him out. Conservatives can’t get enough of pussy-grabbin’-Trump.

Okay, but that would require a Constitutional amendment repealing the 2nd. That’s a monumental task.

We’d have to amend the Constitution… that’s a tall order.