
After seeing the movie, all these takes trying to excuse, or encourage empathy are missplaced. Yes, he had a rough upbringing.

It turned him into an obvious sociopath who only wanted to exert power to harm people. Wakanda was cool, and the movie was fantastic, But Killmonger isn’t even as sympathetic as Loki.

So Killmonger was a fantastic character, but his ultimate plan just didn’t make sense at all. He’s going to give black people around the world advanced weapons and then they’re going to what? Go to war against the governments that many of them are loyal to because they have fancy guns now? It’s like he came up with

No, he’s pretty straight-up villain. A sympathetic one to a degree, but he’s definitely in “I am bad” territory. I mean, he’s literally tattooed/marked his body as testament to the hundreds and hundreds of people he’s killed over his career. He states that he wants to help the plight of his people, but does so with a

Pro-tip: If the point you’re making requires you to throw Zemo *and* Vulture under the bus, it’s not a good point you’re trying to make.

If you kick Hela out just because she was a tour de force cartoon villain, what exactly are your values?

Right. Black Panther is best, because cultural approval. And look at the knots

Uh huh.

The movie was good but it wasn’t great. I have a problem with the technology that Panther is planning to share with the world. If they have the technology to solve everything including traumatic wounds doesn’t it make any future movies stakes pretty low? I mean if everything can be solved with Wakanda technology then

That was ba-yeah-yeah-yad.

Someone always has to go there. I’m a black man and this kind of comment is extremely ignorant.

Unless there is other written documentation, which would probably have to be notarized as well, there’s little chance of her getting palimony. There’s no such thing as common law marriage in Cali and an oral agreement holds no weight in court.

No. There are very strict ways to get palimony, and one is there had to be a ceremony and you thought you were married but there was so mess up. A second is there needs to be an agreement you would support some one for their life, but outside of having some written and signed agreement, almost impossible to prove.

The groupthink has already made up its mind about this. The answer is no. Groupthink is offended by this on behalf of whatever ethnic group is up for debate and absolutely does not give a shit what the ethnic group in question thinks about it. Dr. Who can be a woman, James Bond can be black but Altered Carbon is

But if he doesn’t spend it on VC, what else will he blow predatory mortage profit money on?

Second best player? You meant 5th right?

Isaish Thomas was like the 12th best player on the team tho.

To this day I just don’t understand how an entertainment company can be so bad at marketing superstars. They have tons of personality and potential on their roster, but absolutely nobody knows how to market it. You’ve got current champions who are probably better than any champions they’ve ever had before, and it’s

I’m guessing getting tased wasn’t the Plan B he was after

LMAO. People really are upset about this? Some random clock that arbitrarily gets moved around?

Christ, do people think the Doomsday Clock is actually a real thing?

Except for Ichiro that is, the True Hit King.