
I was glad to see you mention Chrono Trigger. That was the game (outside of Pokémon) that hooked for life on rpgs. I’m not even sure I was ten yet, but I remember finishing almost every ending and getting every Tech with all the characters. That game also dealt with some darker more mature themes and lead me into the

1.) you suck at jokes, and in the understanding of them

Are you cross posting with The Onion now?

It makes so much sense why baseball is called America’s pastime.

BUT, but, what about the unrealistic body types of these men!? They are destroying young men’s confidence by showing them unrealistic expectations of what a patriarchal cis gendered man should be! And don’t get me stared on the hair! Nobody hasn’t hair like that! Looking at you DBZ.

This one of the reasons that less than a fifth of Americans identify as feminist. This isn’t about equality, it’s recreational outrage and moral peacocking at best. What are we trying to accomplish?

Holy shit. Who cares about this?

He was my least favorite thunder player thus far. I remember a few years ago deadspin described him as not so much a basketball player but an old boat anchor being drug up and down the court. That was several years ago.

Fate:_____ has a new season! Pretty gnarly I suppose

I totally agree, and personally think LA is the destination he ends up. Weirdly, I’m more upset at Melos 2 year deal than PG leaving (which I understand is kind of silly).

The thunder despite the bad loss, still have the fourth best record since December 1st in the league. It’s just going to be hard to find a better team outside of the warriors or whatever team lebron ends up on this offseason.

You tagged this under “don’t help the whites”. Racism is racism my man.

How fucking insane are you? You are trying so fucking hard to take some moral high ground. Singing a song isn’t at all the same as beating someone to death for their skin color. Jesus Christ you fucking radical freak.

Again, the artist of this very song in question is Jewish and uses the word kike extensively.

The artist of the song is Jewish and uses the word kike extensively.

The artist of the song is Jewish and uses the word kike extensively.

He’s played like 60 games in his career and has glass knees. Stop.

The season has hurt my heart. Probably not as badly as the next several will.

He’s got a sky high slugging percentage

What about Jamals Ball Beef?