When it gets below 10%, they get hired by ESPN.
When it gets below 10%, they get hired by ESPN.
Ricky Williams definitely had anxiety problems, but I don't buy that in Lynch's case. I should point out that I am 100% behind Lynch on this one, the sports media blowhards demanding he give them trite platitudes about thanking God for the win can go get fucked. But I don't think he has any sort of anxiety disorder.
Nothing says "Social Media Anxiety" more than grabbing your dick live on television.
Noooope, that's not racism, that would be generalizing, if he hadn't expressed knowing what sorts of conditions people in this town live in. Racism is supporting or contributing to systemic oppression, not generalizing or assuming. I mean you can sure do both, but he's doing neither here, so it's ok!
uhm because they live in the poorest town in America, in one of the poorest counties in America?
LuckyPierre....ignorant (for sure), and racist (probably).
LOL @ the dudes talking shit to Native Americans like they're hot shit. Telling them to go back to a reservation? Bro, you live in fucking South Dakota. You're already on America's reservation. Please stay there.
umm, can someone please contact Saudi Arabia and get the details on how they perform their public lashes? I think we need that sort of thing here for these kinds of creeps.
Trail of beers
Plans include a ride called Adrian Peterson, which can carry about eight women and thirteen kids and presents a real threat of whiplash.
They plan to limit the village to 55+ though, which explains why it's a two-bedroom apartment.
Wow. That is the Mango Habanero blazing hot take of hot takes.
The same think we do every night Pinky.
The men met at a Miami Heat game as part of their on-going commitment to celebrate things that sports fans were really excited about in 2010.
Good stuff like this gets hidden in the grey while the approved comments are full of halfwits typing "+1".
In the long history of bar fights no one has EVER started it, it's always the other guys who did it. They would NEVER "disrespect" the bar they are in. (If you say that to me, I immediately know I'll be throwing you out by the end of the night.