Thunder Muscle Sales Rep

Anyway, now he’s the President of the United States

- The National Anthem before NFL games

Papa “John” Schnatter

No, child abuse will be when I try to one up it by having my kid try it on ice skates.

They probably got a funny feeling when he walked into the ER.

I literally sang this post.

Number of people filming a HS sporting event = NP * DR * .6 + 1

All the real coaching was done by Asst. Coach Chris Marlowe anyway.

Also, the co-worker called him “Dennis” in the first scene, and he is a freaking scary dead ringer for Rader. Still, for people who don’t follow true crime or serial killers that closely, I think the reviewer’s reveal of that was an unnecessary spoiler.

I always forget that the dumbest are also the loudest but god damn if it doesn’t feel like we’re closing in on humanity’s and the Earth’s stupid person maximum capacity. And it’s not even a lack of intelligence for most of these people but more of an ignorance of facts and reality.

Have we reached peak stupidity yet? Maybe this what the Mayans meant, the world didn’t end just half the country’s ability to use reason, logic, or critical thinking. We may be heading into some kind of new version of a war between Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens but this time it will be those who acknowledge reality

Also, Trump Trash doesn’t actually have any money. I know, I know...they say they do online. You see, that’s a little thing called a “lie”.

Then someone should probably explain to them that the angry hicks can’t even pay their fucking bills.

For a second I thought you were referencing Donald Trump Jr.

I mean, Panama’s entire existence is predicated on letting things through.

Peter Iappelli, who earns $171,136 a year as school business administrator in Closter

I thought in Jersey the dad just takes the coach to his titty bar and gives him a big screen tv. And if that doesn’t work, steal his dog and have his nephew return it.

First comment:

Says the guy who presented zero evidence to back up his two sentence post talking shit?