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Trump to Miss Universe contestant: “Do you have a racist bone in your body? No? Would you like one? People are saying I have the most racist bone."

With regards to the football, you gotta ask yourself what’s worse, ugly or disappointment. Ugly, yes, MSU football. For disappointment you just drive a bit east.'s been known what happened for a few weeks now. Dude fell wrong and started hemorrhaging blood and nearly choked to death. He posted pictures of his nasty surgical wounds.

Seeing the chuds get "Kinja ratioed" in the discussion section is 50% of why I visit Deadspin. Get more of these dudes out of the greys, please.

It's fictional. I'm selling leprechaun hides now.

Hey, Frenchie, kill yourself.

Scram, retard.

Eat shit. Especially because you call the championship a “natty”.

This dude came here to turn me into what I hate most; A “travel truther”.

His name not being Gaze is maddeningly minor imperfection to the whole thing.

That video really puts your complaints about Buck-Aikman, Nantz-Romo, MNF crew, etc into perspective. This lady....I'm not even sure what she's doing.

When asked about the offense under Jeff Fisher:

Dr. Fatbody was a sorely needed dose of charisma and energy. I’m just catching the runs on YouTube as they post them and I’ve found myself bailing halfway through some because the commentary gets too awkward.

McQuade saying the Chargers have been bad on the road.......huh? 8 straight road victories seems un-bad.

If Gritty fails, what chance do I have? No, thank you, not following him.

The records of these well-to-do 19th century teams full of Mayflower descendants is meaningless. I mean, c'mon, this is before they even let the Irish play.

Too bad. Cup opponents were really looking forward to continuing to mop the floor with him.

Let me tell you this, the older you do get the more rules they’re gonna try to get you to follow. You just gotta keep bikin’ man, B-I-K-I-N.

You should check out Bad Lip Reading on YouTube if this butters your muffin.

As a new dad with no time and wanting nothing for Xmas (which isn’t an option), I’m carving out time for RDR2. After unwrapping that on the 25th, along with Spiderman, I look forward to completing them around 2022. Then I’ll double back and load my save from God of War, finally finish Last of Us, and then peel the