Thunder Muscle Sales Rep

That was a typo, right? You meant 5'9", 150?

Nice to know that there are people in other countries that would almost certainly vote for Trump to their own detriment.

It’s a different game with the Pats. You feel with your mouth and the object is always Belichick’s cock. If you complain, you're gone, unless you are Tawmy Brady. He is allowed to substitute his own cock in the box.

This was his night. He got to go out dressed in his little outfit with his peers, believing he would get a hero’s welcome and a blowjob.

I obviously don’t have all the details of the situation, and I’m certainly not throwing his mom under the bus, but this is another example of why you must have real discussions about a person’s well being, for their sake. If you have friends and family, a text message or Facebook interaction isn’t enough. A real voice

His head is business on top, Tea Party on the bottom.

The guy responsible for naming iterations of the Street Fighter 2 franchise also names the DUI levels in Arizona, apparently.

That you, Neymar?

Hmmmmm....Did Sheppard bone Gaffney's wife? An anagram for Lito Sheppard is “Harlots Piped”.

Why is he an irresponsible parent? Is he holding the baby too close to the grill?

I like the Felton resigning. When you can get that kind of price/lb on a point guard, you gotta buy. That’s just good value.

Tommorrow’s headline:

This guy stopped what he was doing in the middle of an HBO taping of Hard Knocks to watch two cockroaches fuck.

Just a straight-forward article about a WNBA game, huh? Cool. Cool, cool, cool.

Right. Is he going to stick a needle in his eye, too?

Eat shit.

Can I get anything better than -1000 that it was a Trump zombie? Can I parlay it with Koko the monkey-potus’s only response being a “Thoughts and prayers. Sad.”?

Honorable mention: This very chill defender on the decisive corner kick.

Too bad for this coach. If this happens a few months later he'd still have a job because the new bizarro Supreme Court would have ruled racism to be protected speech under the 1st Amendment. Thanks, Justice Nugent!