Thunder Muscle Sales Rep

He could pull it. He could go the other way. The guy really sprayed the field.

A Michigan fan screaming “Burn it to the ground” is also a victim of the “mind control” this confused person is writing about. You can’t have it both ways.

You’re still trying to connect Tom Izzo to Larry Nassar? What are you, a Michigan alum?

So, the PR firm shouldn’t have monitored social media?

This reminds me of a great Paul F. Tompkins bit:

What awful comments? If you mean someone who hears him say “Ya, they keep saying Nassar is touching kids, but I don’t buy it”, that’s messed up.

“Spanish-speaking”!? Why does it matter what language they’re speaking!? We’re all one! Togetherness! Outrage! Outrage!

Yes! Good job, Kansas, you spunky upstart, you. May you develop a storied history that will eventually rival the loathe-worthy Dook. 

The extra C seems right. There’s a bit of C there.

Maybe he was miffed by the Michigan alum Jacobson celebrating one minute then doing her job by questioning his work the next?

You’re really being unfair in your characterization of cops. Some of them prefer shooting unarmed black teenagers over arresting rich black athletes. It’s maybe a smaller percentage, but they do exist.

Basketball and football have been swapped.

I’m going to encourage you not to kill yourself. You’re obviously in a dark, low place, but there is nowhere to go but up, and somebody loves you, probably.

The Phoenix Valley area is a great place to test these vehicles. Of any major American city, it probably has the highest per capita incidents of pedestrians crossing the fucking road anywhere they please. Goddamn CHUDs, everywhere, taking diagonal paths through busy roads, hanging out in left turn lanes, all hours of

Getting in the Top 3 for a QB is just the draft’s version of overpaying a FA QB: All about demand and positioning.

Are we sure this isn’t lost footage from the skiing trip aboard the Event Horizon?

Almost everything ESPN presented is old news that was handled. Izzo and Dantonio have kicked guys off the team for much less. Anything new is surely above board because there is no reason for cover up. Bring on the investigating. I won’t expect a retraction from ESPN or Deadspin.

You’re using your Wolverine example, painting UM virtuous, when it is apples and oranges. You are biased with your false logic. You’re making it about rivalry.

I undertand. Sanctions would make trashing your boys tougher for MSU.

The ESPN reporting on Izzo and Dantonio IS irresponsible journalism. They presented old, investigated, closed cases as new because it conveniently coincides with Nassar. It’s a ratings/clicks grab. You’re actually an idiot if you can’t see that.