Thunder Muscle Sales Rep

Whelp. That settles it. Fire Tom Izzo.

Guess we should all help get Greece back on its feet.

Atherton goes douche a third time as Prof. Jerry Hathaway in Real Genius. A real master of the craft.

Huge hands though.

“The Microwave” Vinnie Johnson

Fuck the draft. Silver should have been booked it like a 12-man tag team match. The current storylines in the league are not utilized with these rosters.

I’d play with La Parka way too often simply for the chair and the dance.

Bionic Commando (NES)

Right. Joel Ferguson needs to go, at the minimum.

It really didn’t have to go like this. She could have fell on her sword with some parting words that could have maintained some positive image of her legacy.

Those are the people not catching enough shit for all of this.

“Thoughtful”. Fowler keeps saying that word. I don’t think it means what he thinks it means.

The eagles and gun dude are going to hang out in a tree with me.

He didn’t defend her. He supported her. If he trusts her, and believes that she does the right things, he should support her.

It’s hysterical to disregard his follow up statement and not acknowledge that people can misspeak. Yes. You are hysterical.

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A movie about this YouTube video would be a better idea...

You’re debating hysterical people. You can’t win, especially with reason.

I am an alum. And I’ve said repeatedly that everyone with direct and indirect contact with the situation and the entire chain of command should be fired. The gymnastics program should also be eliminated. Clearly, US Olympic Gymnastics cannot handle it, it shouldn’t be in the hands of a smaller group.

As soon as you say “take away the school’s accreditation” everything else you say is worth nothing. That literally means the school, not just athletic program goes out of business.

Stupid bitch, when the organization we’re speaking about is the entire athletic department, not just the relatively tiny gymnastics program, trainers and assistant coaches are fucking ants.