Thunder Muscle Sales Rep

Great tackle, digital Jag!

Trainers and assistant gymnastics coaches are the most powerful people in the organization? You’re an idiot.

I wondered how anyone could say something as stupid as what you said (take accreditation away from the school), so I looked at your profile. Now it makes sense, and “Dork MAGA cunt” fit perfectly.

Stfu, you dork MAGA cunt.

Eliminating sports completely, permanently IS without good reason. Hundreds of people lose jobs and scholarships. That is ludicrous. Get real.

Absolutely. Their football program did receive sanctions and it should have been worse. Fire everyone that sniffed this situation and do something about the gymnastics program. Read the thread. I’ve literally been saying that.

An excellent solution.

Most universities with a major athletic program will be big losers, even if they have an annual loss.

“They”. You mean, the NCAA? The United States?

I agree. If they don’t fire a whole lot of people (which is holding them accountable), then that is a bigger problem. Let’s see if they do that. I’m betting they will.

That’s all major universities with major athletic programs. It’s economics.

Yes, more severe than what happened to Penn State. Death penalty to the program, as I suggested. That’s not hysterical. Hysterical is saying that they should give the death penalty to all athletics. That’s just stupid.

Again, good response. Real substantive. Now, again, what is your agenda when you make such a ridiculous claim as “End athletics completely at MSU”? Did the doctor touch you, your family? Are you simply a UM fan? Or are just a hysterical little bitch, incapable of being pragmatic?

Nice response. So, where did the doctor touch you?

Get real. The mistakes of a group of people in a large organization should force them to blow the entire thing up and potentially destroy the university?

If he’s 239lbs, his body fat % is roughly Crisco.

Then he pulls out their heart plugs like Baron Harkonnen.

If the Jags win the Super Bowl....

It’s the only explanation (if he isn’t injured) but also a ridiculous explanation.

I can’t tell if you are serious or not. It’s beautiful.