Thunder Muscle Sales Rep

Quite a reaction to the incident by everyone else on the sideline.

“I’ll show you a better punch. And I’ll hold my beer”.

Pretty incredible. This is only topped by Mitch Conner masquerading as Jennifer Lopez. He broke Ben Affleck’s heart with taco-flavored kisses.

Domino’s stock is UP almost 3% in the past year. Papa Murphy’s is UP 2%. Not the most accurate way to show what’s happening, but MAYBE some investors decided to eat what they bought into and weren’t happy with their oregano ketchup pie.

Agreed. When people don’t know the rules they shouldn’t be held accountable. It’s like making a landlord the president. You can’t expect him to not act like he’s fucking his tenants.

Start practicing. You go pro, you can take the crown from him.

Props to Gottlieb for really owning his role as “the white man’s perspective”.

Well, it’s the Big NO-SHOW! It was a BIG BAD show toniiiiight.

Are you guys writing a weekly thing about the Pistons attendance? Didn’t learn anything here that Lauren Theisen didn’t already cover. How about checking in with the rest of the league, maybe do a story about everyone’s attendance. I’m not sure a national audience cares enough about the Pistons to justify weekly blogs

BTK is as recognizable as JFK?

That’s an exaggeration. I’m familiar with the name BTK and Dennis Rader, but I don’t know his deal. BTK being an ADT guy is only “”well known” to those that read or watched shows about the case. And that’s not most people watching the show. This show isn’t relegated to those who have Investigation Discovery “murder

Oh, what a Knight

If you’re a Lions fan, maybe you caught this:

The Tomsula stuff kills me every week.

Cool story.

Not here to defend In-N-Out, but the dude likes Wendy’s. I need clarification. Does he have a baked potato fix he needs to attend to every once in a while, or are we strictly talking about burgers? I’ve never heard anyone compliment their burger. I have heard someone question whether a silica gel desiccant packet got

“’You didn’t know Trump could hit two shots like that’. That’s pretty good.”

54. The Book of the Dead (The Living Dead)

I am a descendent of farm people. I’ve spent many family gatherings with farm people. Farm people are amongst the stupidest, most ignorant people you can deal with. They’re renewable coal miners. They aren’t an accurate sample of society.

Yeah, only logical explanation I could figure.