Thunder Muscle Sales Rep

Ya, with, you know, politics. Offering up a “Very disappointed for our local hero” is the way to garner favor. Offering the unsolicited, truthful opinion on something frivolous that will hurt you more than it will help you is a stupid thing to do.

Should he share his opinion on everything? Or should he just shut the fuck up when he has an opinion that will upset his constituents?

I get it if a Republican has his take. But a Democrat? And Pennsylvania? It’s Pulisic’s home state. Is this guy not running for another term?

It’s like you don’t know why he is in the header image either. Would you like to explain why he is in that image? Does explaining rather than linking to some anonymous blog expose you legally? At least answer that second question.

In full denim he looks more like OJ Leno. He certainly isn’t writing “Brooks (Brothers) was here”.

You said Jay-Z has one message. I provided evidence that you are uninformed and incorrect. You haven’t punched back. The fight is waved off by the ref because you can’t defend yourself.

Pull up those songs and listen. I gave them to you. What the fuck is giving you lyrics going to prove? I should go to a website and copy and paste a bunch of lyrics you won’t read or acknowledge anyway because it doesn’t fit your narrative?

First of all, you can pull lines from songs out of context to get your narrative.

What’s your five favorite Jay-Z albums and why? You know him so well, I should expect a detailed response.

You just told me to stop bringing up slavery. I didn’t even allude to it, let alone mention.

Are more black people killed by cops or by other black people? Is that what you are trying to say, you fuckwit? That has nothing to do with the issue. Again, we are talking about institutional racism, which is pretty easy to solve relative to societal matters, which are much trickier.

The problem is cops treating black people like shit, not white people doing it. Institutional, not societal racism. Try to keep up.

This opinion came from Ohio. If anyone is interested in learning more about Ohio, there is a great documentary called Gummo you should check out.

Of everyone I’ve personally debated with (albeit a small sample of 3), no one saying that it’s disrespectful to the vets has ever served in the military themselves. I’m curious what percentage of the butthurt are veterans.

“7 chipmunks twirling on a branch, eating lots of sunflowers on my uncle’s ranch. You know that old children’s tale from the sea?” - Beasley

Now playing

Not sure if “blowing up the moon” was a direct reference to this classic Mr. Show sketch, but it’s one of the show’s best pieces of satire, and feels pretty accurate right here ya go.

I would like to be the new owner of the Packers. I have a case of Leinenkugel’s, a JJ Watt Badgers jersey (replica), and a venison summer sausage for trade.

“Ranking 300 strikeout seasons? Call me old fashioned, but the totals speak for themselves. The highest number should be #1, 2nd highest #2, and like that down the line. You really could have saved yourself some time, rather than going with another snarky Deadspin rank-ticle.”

If he spelled his own name B-E-N-N-Y right now, that’d confirm he has a concussion.

“10-9, #19" - Adalaide Byrd