Thunder Muscle Sales Rep

I know very little about hurricanes, and even less about surfing, but as millions have fled this storm, should I be shocked that a child was killed playing in it?

Oh boy. It seems like my comment has gone way over your head. I’m sorry my response doesn’t jive with your “echo chamber”.

You’re not nearly as bright as you believe you are.

So you think Operation: Human Shield and Operation: Get Behind The Darkies wasn’t a comment on how being black is harder?

Boy, is Goodell good. When asked about Kap he doesn’t even “stick to sports”.

....what? Don’t make it shittier than it already is.

He’s cried “wolf” too many times. This is somehow as fake as every meme he’s shared.

This guy has the right idea. These players go on a roadie and they’re looking at porn? Disgusting! Bring in some whores and get the smut out of there.

They both take the ball from the center. Sometimes throw. Sometimes hand off. Both would like their guys to keep the ball. Both probably aren’t fond of interceptions.

In the “Bill Pullman v. Bill Paxton” kind of way where their names are similar but they really aren’t that alike?

The alternative is to not pay him, let someone else make him the highest paid player in NFL history, and then get into a boom or bust crap shoot in April.

Ainge’s early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But then theGarnett Deal happened in 2007 and he came into his own, financially and strategically. The whole roster had a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the team a big boost. He’s been compared to Jerry

What percentage of “MMA CHUDS” are also “Trump CHUDS”? They feel like the same people to me.

Incredibly, both fighters come out looking great. Conor lasts longer than any reasonable person thought he could. Floyd knocks out an amateur, which would have been embarrassing if he hadn’t. Plus, the audience seems fairly satisfied.

This guy is a virtual nobody, and he clearly sucks. But, ya, thanks for everything, dude-bro.

Crazy idea: No more National Anthem before sporting events. Problem solved. By “problem”, I mean “Jesus Christ, start the game already”.

Here’s the thing I don’t get.....

I worked for them for several years. They do not review content unless brought to their attention. If they employed enough people to review the content of every site they host, the price on a domain or hosting wouldn’t be affordable.

He could just be helping out a friend. I know that sounds naive, but he gave TWO podcasts to his buddy House, and he sucks.

Dear Deadspin,