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I suspect the final scene of the series will be Benioff, Weiss, and Martin talking to a camera from an HBO conference room.

Good thing they’re taking a nice deviation from the books and making up their own content.

Hello! (Lo...lo...lo...) From the future!!!! (Chur...chur.....chur...)

Only the Finals has a scheduled date. If the Warriors and Clips both swept, they’d be playing in the next couple days.

No shit?

I really do believe they all die at the Mountain’s hands (they’ll probably kill him too).

Ok. The part about killing whores and rape wasn’t enough context to figure it out.

“Derrrrrrrr, 1st Amendment, derrrrrr, freedom.”

Clearly, I was referring of Joffrey and Ramsey, and that was understood by most. Others responded, pointing out that I forgot Tyrion. Not sure anyone other than yourself thought I was calling Tryion evil. Read the thread.

Absence of sex is a quality of overall sexuality in a relationship. Get married and never sex, then tell me what’s the level of happiness in your marriage.

Note: Yes. Errors in my original post. I’d fix them if I could. Read the thread.

Gendry is a very loose thread. He was made out to have such significance for the one season, only to be sent away. It would be nice to know his fate, but a return might be a bit awkward at this point.

Read the thread.

Hmmmmm, maybe. I didn’t get that impression, just the same devotion she’s given to anyone that would have her. And Renly was her first (or not, I’m not a book reader). If she did fancy him, her gaydar is a bit fuzzy.

And if things didn’t break the way they did, she could have had a life of no sex, or have been forced to have sex with him for lineage sake. That would have been bad.

Read the thread.

If you’re married and not having sex, that’s bad.

Bisexual polyamory. The cult running King’s Landing might take issue.

Also, she was sorta one-way courted by the creep Littlefinger.

Ya ya, mixed them up. You aren’t first nor will be the last to correct me.