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Uhhhhh you are right. Forgot Tyrion, referring to Joffrey.

Yes, I forgot Tyrion (as pointed out by someone else, and then another person mentioned that Joffrey was only an engagement, which I think is correct), but he fits the mold, too. Tyrion shouldn’t be married to anyone, and though he doesn’t seem to have dark sexual proclivities, no sex in a marriage is also bad sex.

Also, he did kill one whore. But that was justifiable homicide.

You are correct. And I forgot she was married to Tyrion, which I addressed in another response.

My bad, forgot Tyrion, referring to Joffrey. But you know what, still fits the parameters. He’s a severely flawed dude, and they never had sex. Not a good marriage.

So, just The Ringer for you, not the HBO show, as well?

Sansa has had two husbands. Both evil dudes, and both fucked-up sexually (The first one preferred killing whores to screwing them, the other is a rapist).

“You greedy bitch”. That was the worst line of the whole episode. The only dialogue more out of place was the two Dothraki throwing snaps at Khaleesi. But at least those dudes were funny. Sand Snakes must die. Paper-thin, pointless characters the writers are trying to hard to present as “badass”. I hope Zombie

Eventually, Podrick is going to layeth pipe on Sansa. His legendary steel and good nature have been built up for a reason, and that’s to give Sansa the guy she deserves. Polar opposite of Ramsey or Joffrey.

Wait, wtf is that in the lower left of that picture? Did Dark Helmet from Space Balls have a kid? That dude with the weird ski mask from Fat Albert?

He’s a regular hitless.

One of my first dates with my wife was seeing Patton (2009). My wife had never been to a comedy show. She became a fan along with me.

This is a dumb explanation for a problem that doesn’t exist.

I recalling hearing that the reason babies (human or otherwise) are cute is because of evolution. The cuteness helps ensure that the parents take care of them, which sounds right. If my kid came out with a full head of hair, chin stubble, and a big nose, I’m sure it wouldn’t take long before I was thinking “God, I

“I Averaged 22 Points, 12 Boards, and 6 Dimes at Ridgemont High”

This is how anti-Marijuana conservatives look at people having a laugh today.

Does Schilling have some sort of disorder that compels him to share his divisive opinions with the world? He can’t save his controversial thoughts for close friends and a few beers like the rest of us?

Get real. I said “putting them in the ring”. You know what I mean by that. Skipping rope and smacking a heavy bag isn’t the issue. And, ya, knocking them out is the ultimate goal of the sport. Do you own a gym? Some sort of personal reason for your spin?

Oh, I know. It’s gladiators of old. I really just find it funny that football is being criticized for concussions, yet a sport exists where the object of the game is to give your opponent a concussion.

It can be debated what kind of parent lets their kid play football, but can we agree you’re probably a monster if you push your kid into a boxing ring?