
yeah faye is my second cousin. This shit's whack. She is like the most genuine person and was so disturbed by all of this. All the shitty comments saying she should of spoken up sooner, well, she did, but investigators are just now moving forward. And he played with me as a kid! Nothing happened but it gives me the

I hope the baby looks more like her, his eyes are way too close together.

I just hope they vaccinate.

I love her outfit here. And her husband.

Why does he have so many cats...?

Red panda keeping in shape.

Something you should mention. When buying online from Expedia, Priceline, etc. (this probably includes most airlines sites themselves), always turn on private browsing (or delete cookies).

We would have also accepted "a bucket of warm piss" or "the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived."


Why did Leslie Howard decide to stay straight-up English as Ashley Wilkes, while we're at it?

Hi! I can't WAIT to read this (can't get enough of old Hollywood stories and scandals). First question (as I assume I'll have a million more): everyone has a different account of the Fatty Arbuckle/Virginia Rappe case - did you come across any different information on what happened? (Did he rape her? Were her

I think a lot about how genre films today are so gendered – action for men vs. rom-com for women, as it were. Did genre films from the classic Hollywood era have the same problem/reputation? Were musicals and romantic comedies "for" women and gangster films and Westerns "for" men in the same way they would be today?

What's your take on the Kardashians?

Piper Laurie and Ronald Reagan? Whoa. That's weird. I'd never heard that before. I had heard the stories about Nancy and her "Brentwood hellos", though, which totally and completely shocked me because it was like hearing about my grandma being a hellcat in the sack.

Hello and welcome! Not sure how limited we are so I'm going to post my questions separately, if that's okay, and you answer whichever ones you want. I won't take it personally if you can't answer them all.

For all his wholesome family-values image, Ronald Reagan seems to have had the personal history you'd expect of a good-looking man in Hollywood when he was single.

^How I originally read this headline. I wish that's what it was.

As if I wasn't excited enough for "Gone Girl" on Saturday...

Also, why are so many women not turned off by Bieber?!

Jesus. I thought it was uncomfortably intimate and gross to have to share a bathroom with my sister.