Should I get an alpaca as a pet? Are they sweet?
Should I get an alpaca as a pet? Are they sweet?
Oh that makes me laugh! My aunt's corgi has the herd gene really hard- we can't go anywhere without the corgi trying to curb our path towards her treats
"pussy posse" is such a super gross name
For me, I feel Don has a lot to explain for because Sarah points out that he was older and hanging out with younger kids.
lol "Sassier"
Oh this is so good! Tonkerbell!
Thank you for posting Styler!!
Really? I disagree! Oh, Sasheer...she just makes my heart sing! I can see your point, but I wish Sassier and I were buds and she could tell me things about her day...
True-where would we be without tv! jk
I want these two!! Can guinea pigs roam one's house freely? I love how they look like they are wearing toupees.
I streamed it on Amazon just recently. I think I watched it twice in a row. I see what you mean about memory- this movie is really beautiful-I remember a lot about little things in it even though, as a whole, it's so dark.
The movie Polytechnique is really haunting! I'd never heard of this massacre before the movie If you haven't seen it-it's beautiful and so sad-the kind you'd think about later and often.
I definitely see what you mean!
...not all white people fall into your two categories...
I see your point! But selecting friends by skin color isn't the objective-it's patronizing and disingenuous
Yes! Didn't the Bush girls get caught with margaritas underage?
yeah I wish they'd come back-I can't reconcile the dance off shows we have now with these fitness competitions
this is the most GD mesmerizing thing
what if they sold rumbas with Siamese cats?!