
my hangover bread is butter laden pancakes, piled high and deep

yeah, they seemed mutually like what IS THAT THING and then he ran off on 2 feet!

huh, I never knew that was the difference. So, can pigs-sorry, I just don't have it in me to google right now-can little pigs be house trained?

i! love! festive! animals!

I see this as interesting, I do. I'm terrified of internet vigilante-ism-I know this doesn't technically count! I think there's no end to things that can be mocked and humiliating-the internet is big enough, sure. I don't know. I'm never dating again bc whatever will wind up as emblematic of embarrassing behavior and

this is one of the few times my maternal instinct *explosively* kicks in

i like the befores

I saw Gone Girl and didn't get a serious gander at Ben's dong. Just a drive by, maybe.

I see! Im going to needlepoint that on my pillows. I always thought Mrs. Duggar somehow involved her hair briar-crown in conducting God's sexual work.

Oh ok. Why get married in their world? Momma Duggar's babies fall out of her womb, but get there only through some sinning?

From the comments section on that mommy blog, it sounded like they had a really intense/sloppy make out sesh-all over the clothes, no?

Did they all get identical nose jobs?

this american life had a really fun segment of her set-I guess not this particular performance, but it was about breast cancer and her mom's death and so so funny

I really loved my FitBit but it flew off my arm and bounced on the sidewalk like a silent angel. I'm so pissed about it because it was great

Don't worry, Chirp! It'll be all right-we brought cake!

oh god that poor baby's spine!

I HAVE to know more!

What does this test show-that the person is resourceful/perseverant?