
I've actually heard about this happening at other universities, specifically at Buffalo. Another bastion of classiness.

There are a whole bunch of needy wild burros around here. They like to surround your car and if your car window is open, they will come over in hopes of treats and will not leave until you nuzzle them good.

Yay! Are we showing off our adopted pit bulls? Count me in!

God, I hate people so much. Both my pups are rescues, and at least one of them was clearly abused before I adopted him (though thankfully nothing anywhere near as awful as this—he was very scared of people, but he was in good bodily health), and I can't read stories like this without imagining someone doing it to one

I just LOLd at the idea of the talent at a fashion show eating pastrami.

It may be your favorite, Burt, but the genetic elite don't eat fatty meat. (It rhymes so you can remember it better.)

A Kardashian being treated like an entitled asshole?

one immediately after her abortion

I think dating within 5-10 years of you age is fine. But if some 40 year old bro isn't willing to consider a 45 year old gal, he needs his car to be keyed.

The mere THOUGHT of dating a 22 year old annoys me.

Important Announcements:

I agree. this kind of "perfect human being" hype for anyone of any size, race, gender - is off putting. if you build the ivory tower so high - sooner or later it will come crashing down. it just makes me gag a little.

Jezebel really needs to stop with the "perfect human being" Lupita N'yongo. Maybe I'm having a hard time verbalizing my feeling, but I find the vibe whenever discussing Lupita (remember that article about she was sooo perfect cause she knew how to braid hair? Cue eye roll), Idriba Alba, Gabourey Sidibe and other

No. If mom and Dad were parenting together as a unit, it would be better. Spank or don't spank, it doesn't matter. Just present unified rules and boundaries for the kids, together.

She is perfect.

Like many professional athletes, Barkley assumes competence in a sport automatically makes him an expert in everything else.

I'm good for $20 come this Wednesday.

Now playing

Mark. How hard do you think it would be to buy a lot of land and fill it with all of the cute animals so we can keep them safe? I have like 26 bucks.

Why are we looking to athletes to give us insights into child abuse in the first place? Do they also have a segment where a bunch of child psychologists discuss the merits of the nickel defense?