
Count Chocula's daughter?

we are sexy and we know it

It's a very weird moment when you see a celebrity doing something that is so relatable, isn't it?

I thought he was supposed to be refined...Why is he chewing with his mouth open and rolling around on the table like that?

Celebrities. They're just like us!

From Hell the film is a mediocre adaptation of the utterly flawless graphic novel From Hell. Go read it people! It's chilling and heartbreaking and verbose in the best of ways, as Moore pieces are wont.

I was more excited about King Richard III under a parking lot, but this is cool too. All those guys with metal detecters on the beach should really be walking around British malls...

i've know 6 different people who have told me they've been raped. not one was reported. not one. so yeah, the number is much much much higher.

Nope, mine isn't in there either. I told my doctor who asked why I didn't report it to the police and I said I couldn't prove it. He just nodded and went on with the exam.

Exactly. Nor was mine. So many of us are conditioned for shame that we can't admit out loud what happened. The true statistic has to be much higher.

And how many women have talked themselves into believing their coercive rape was something other than rape.

I enjoyed this stream-of-consciousness comment.

Sadly.... I would take a guess to say the number of women who've been raped is a lot more closer to 50% then 20. With mens somewhere around 15% I would guess.

Yeah I was reading this thinking hmmm, well my rape isn't in that number, I wonder how many others aren't...

This is definitely horrifying, but kudos to the wild kingdom for biting back.



How come nobody told me?! I need more time!