
Dear AA... seriously?

May I be the first to say

"A motorist, who came upon the crash and called 911, told investigators he saw Klinger sitting on a face-down Heller beside the car."

Macho, like Macho Camacho the professional boxer.

i want to honk that nose

I'll post some in a few. I dunno how to post pics? Will google drive work?

Shower dog is just like my Boxer when he gets into something he's not supposed to and I have to bathe his dumb adorable ass.

How else are you supposed to know the blue fluid is locked in place?

Also whither the tight white jeans? CAN SOMEONE (PERHAPS A MAN) PLEASE EXPLAIN?

No one is spinning in circles with their arms above their heads. I do not recognize this as a feminine hygiene commercial.

Ugh, Ed Sheeran just lost major points with me. I absolutely loathe people that use the "If I had a daughter, she wouldn't do x" argument for things they don't like. It reflects the mindset that girls are still their father's property.

Errrr... If "different" you mean a poor fit than yes. Cute idea, poor execution.

It looks like it was made from strips of bike tires.

It doesn't fit.

When you treat your kid as an extension of your brand your baby isn't black or white, it's GREEN.

It's almost as if she isn't married to a black man and doesn't have black child.

Yo. I am available. And I clean up real nice.

I notice you didn't say magnum opus. (Though I also liked the movie.)

maybe, but there's no such thing as Grouper week.