
It honestly breaks my heart a little bit that this post even needs to exist — but the manner in which this has been handled (or not handled, really) by HQ is pathetic. Not reporting on it feels hypocritical, so here we are.

The last thing I want to do is give this giant and troubling waste of our goddamn time the acknowledgment that is clearly so desperately craved. But the fact that I must suppress my pride and bring attention to this in a plea for support from my own employer makes it all the more ridiculous.

Ugh. NOOO with the micr/teacup pigs. People don't understand - yeah, sure they're cute and tiny as piglets, but "micro" pigs grow to be 40-50 pounds on average, and many get to be over 100 pounds. Nothing "micro" about that.

Kendall Jenner, do what every other younger sibling in America does, have your older siblings buy you alcohol. You probably can't get away with using their ID since you are famous enough to be recognizable. Enough with the douchebaggery.

I have no opinions re. Kimye, but I'mma just say that street style is so much more interesting than anything that comes out of "the fashion world."

I hope it doesn't get ditched at an airport like Bieber's monkey.

The day my landlord decides that "Hey, that stove is an old piece of crap, I should get you guys a new one" is the day I do naked cartwheels all through the apartment while singing show tunes. I don't need a whole new kitchen, just that.


I totally read this as "Dog loses his shit over a new kitchen." I'd lose my shit over a new kitchen too.

Team cat here. We are pleased that agent ahem, sorry, we are pleased that this random kitten that we have no affiliation to whatsoever has infiltrated, sorry we mean "found" a new home. Also many thanks to the human known as Burt for posting this propaganda, ah sorry we mean completely unbiased and highly important

A) You can load them with rubber bullets. The M203 attachments have beanbag, smoke, and tear gas ammo.

Actually, on the news (i live in the area this happened in) and the three witnesses seem to be contradicting each others stories from what I seen on the news. I happen to know a few good cops and not ever cop is bad. That is like saying every African American is a thug, or every Caucasian is racist. Way to paint

FWIW, I have seen multiple tweets saying that there was no "kill the police" chant.

I feel shit like this wouldn't happen if police officers were required to have video cameras on them while on duty.

I love this for so many reasons. One of them being that he reminds me of the Russian (?) guy from Center Stage (who I can't find a picture of?!).

The pleather/mullet combination is really working for me.

Duck + Puppy = Squee!