
She needs to start working food in to her hair. Lets see what she can do with a pomegranate.

She doesn't stop there:

So much nope...

Nope, she hasn't reached "weird shit" level yet.

NC of course. love those military dudes. not.

lemme guess, Chattanooga, right?

My husband has a doppleganger at the our local grocery store. His sister works there so we were talking to her one day and her coworkers said they thought they saw him there with a kid a bunch of times. We don't have kids. We figured they were just teasing him but then weeks later another employee from an entirely

Sitting in a Mellow Mushroom with my then-boyfriend, a woman comes up and says "Hi, [Boyfriend], you're back!" (which was confusing to me because he hadn't been anywhere) really cheerfully and then notices me and goes from happy to rage-eyes in one second flat, says "Is this your *girlfriend*?" and before he can

German Shepherd and...Doberman, maybe? I like this game but I'm not very good at it.

Get a room ladies.

I'm a professional equestrian, so I got horseshoes on the top of my feet. Top comments "are you a colts fan?" & "shouldn't those be on the bottom?"

Oh Red, don't make me blush!

I knew a guy once who had the classic drunken blackout tattoo moment, except that when he woke up with a brand new mystery tattoo, his was beautiful and said "Karate Explosion" in gorgeous script with pretty curlicues and stuff. Did he do karate? No he did not. Does he know where he got the tattoo? No he does not.

So meaning. Much spirituality. Totally 'Kung po chicken'.

But what are the chances that you joke about getting it done and your bartender lifts up his shirt and has it?

Um, did we have sex? If so, and I'm sorry to tell you, the sex was bad. Really very bad. Don't get me wrong though, I'd have sex with you again, but that's only because bad sex is better than no sex. If you live in the PNW, we should make it happen (again).