
Didn't this hit the news about a month ago? Because I had already seen the tape too-on the internet and tv....right??

it looks like shibu something or other and I just don't care. Sandy should be shaggy. No arguments.

I don't think Im into that actor as Sandy. Id say that on national television or shout it from a mountain top. Not. Into. It.

oh gentle J! Everytime I see a celeb getting groceries from Trader Joe's or pumping gas, I just about lose my GD mind

that's exactly how i eat

Ohmy G! So handsome! Is his name Macho?! Love him.

Gimme some photos! Boxers are my favorite!

i hate it with a passion-it's totally hateable! but Angel's ensemble is the bomb

Am I the only one who loved Kevin Costner's opus, Waterworld? This happens in the movie!!!

NO! Oh God! I have to know! I Cannot not know! I can't unknow!

Ditto that! My dresses always fit me after a fat winter and by the time the next winter comes around again, I'm slimmer for warmer clothes. Also, I guess legs get sweaty in tall boots anyways, so dresses fly for winter, too.

Yikess: "Infrastructure puncture."

Are you the type of guy that doesn't witness/acknowledge sexual harassment (and the severity of it) as well?

Which retinol creams would you suggest (if any)? I burn and wrinkle and am looking for something new to investigate.

Tremendous. Well played.

I have burly curly hurr and it's like having an animal ( a badger) with me at all times. The only thing I can think of to do (that I am capable of doing-cuz they don't make youtube videos for this) to look presentable and different from day to day is to stick things in it-little bows or barretts-just whatever. i might

thats so hard-I am happy for you of course-but I just never want to ever get married for this reason

that dog though! when he licks crumbs off those keys, his coloring looks like batman on top of his head! What do y'all think kind of mix he is?

This picture of baby Bielieb looks kinda like Michael Pitt! I would find-for the first time ever-a teeny ounce of interest in B's existence.

Now playing

Touche! Thank you for opening my eyes to my problems! I will choose to savor the ritual!