
oh yeah! Also, it's me at work-I like to talk to food about how I feel about working in an office

yeah, hamsters have a specific stink to them…cute though

Omg, I love "plumpies" (which autocorrects to "plump pies" btw). Yes, the men's are entitled to like what they like.

lol "as a fat"

sing it, sister! popsicles are my whole reason for existing, cuz if I have go to work…then I deserve a treat!

Can someone explain this to me? Im not super *experienced* with menfolk, but! I am very experienced with self-shame/body-shame because I have never been "thin enough" (for me, my mom….and now guys? I guess.)

thanks! Im gross about Diet soda. i need a handler to protect me from myself.

What about diet sodas?

She does! For being such a tall gal, I especially love that she tops off some looks with super tall heels.

They did so he could date me. I've had to cut him loose though-noone gets to marry Mr. Pussy.

I used to teach Bikram style vinyasa yoga and I was taught/encouraged my classes to take water as they needed-just sips so that their stomachs wouldn't slosh around in poses. This was at Core Power Yoga, which Im such an evangelist bc I loved them so much. They had all teachers say that there'd only be one official

Does hot yoga make your skin better? That's the only reason I am attached to it-I haven't seen improvements from Bikram or steam rooms….I just want clear, unclogged pores-is that such a crime?

Yes! Just like the last instagram blogger was kicked off for showing her chubby toddler-but @buttsnorkeling is A-Ok! Thank. God.

exactly what I was thinking!

this breaks my heart so much! I don't get that crowd mentality thing. I saw online a photo of a gal blowing a guy in a busy club with everyone laughing at her and the caption was like "haha her drink was spiked and now this bitch is blowing anybody" or something.

well, they are both total idiot simpletons, for sure!

I don't have baby or a dog-Im terrified that Ill leave both in a hot car or all over town. Ive travelled through or huff post and wound up on articles that would be incriminating, too-it doesn't mean I did (bc my baby + pooch are imaginary, lola). If my imaginary husband, Henry-South African soccer star, and

but! Wouldn't you want a parent of a child that suddenly passed to feel some peace that she can tell herself and imagine "he just slipped away" illusion? Rather than detail the awful and give her an endless nitemare that will replay and distort in her head forever?

But it sounds like he really did1 People who worked with him remarked on how much he loved and talked about his son.