
Ha, well said, sir. I should have read your comment before I posted more Weaver accolades above—but I just got so excited and couldn't stop myself! Alien and Aliens are really fine art, and I kind of love how excited I still get when talking about them.

Weaver is so good in this movie…just so damn good. What a perfect combination of actor and role. She could have stopped her career here and remained a legend. The fact that she was in the first one lends that subtle "I've been through this before, you gung-ho dipshits" to her—she just has to glare or change her face

Indeed, sir. McCartney's bass is otherworldly, too. The entire track is still one of the best things ever.

Great pick. The production on that whole album just gives me chills. Cold and somehow soothing at the same time.

Thanks, Dr. That lyric you mentioned just kills me…he gets to the heart of so much frustration in this song.

"Let Down" by Radiohead. Starts with a simple chiming guitar, becomes a kind of mid-tempo ballad, and then the lyrics and melody are revealed, full of angst— a litany of frustration.

Agreed…McGavin is so damn good. Just watched The Natural the other day—he oozes slime. Such a fascinating character actor he was.

Fantastic pick! Dads understand what it's like to be a little boy. So many great moments between them. And Ralphie has that great bond with his mom when she covers for his fight. Makes me cry everytime.

I really like the Hecks' relationship with all three of their kids in The Middle. Stressed parents, three strange (but normal) kids, a lot of frantic, modern problems…but a lot of underlying warmth that feels very natural.

Such a quiet, beautiful movie.

Great choice. Dan is just the most real-feeling TV dad that I can think of. He frequently doesn't like his kids, doesn't understand them, goes through all these phases. He's tough, funny, angry…that house feels lived in and authentic—the actors were so natural and real, at least in the first few seasons.

I agree…after all this time, the guitar solos are still worth listening to every couple of years. Stingy, biting, melodic—pretty good stuff.

Absolutely spot on, sir. Superman and Superman II are filled with holes and silly things, but Terence Stamp and Reeve are so damn enjoyable that none of it matters or sticks. Now, III and IV—well, those are when the faults begin to outweigh everything, but there are STILL pockets of those films (Reeve is especially

Benoist's casting as Supergirl is one of the best things ever. Are we finally now tipping back into superhero TV/movies that can be fun AND complex?

Ha, oh shit…I forgot. Why do I always mess that shit up? I'm getting old. Yes, OJ flipping over the railing at 100 mph was much better anyway!

Thanks for the great question!

Totally forgot about The Blob. Great choice! I seem to recall seeing this at a drive-in, and I had a blast.

Is Indiana Jones riding off into the sunset with his friends and father on there? If not, it should be. I mean they literally ride off into the sunset—a life of adventure and excitement and togetherness ahead of them.

*OJ gets run over by a marching band*

I envy that autumn smell so much. No luck on that here yet…hoping like hell we get a cold front soon. Halloween's not the same without a chill.