
Yes! I usually catch the first and second films maybe once or twice on AMC…but it seems like 4-7 are on most of the time. Those sequels are shit, but I enjoy watching them anyway.

I always have to chime in on these Halloween III discussions, even though I'm late, to say….Tom Atkins. Drunk doctor, shitty father, making love to robots. He makes that awesome flick even better,

Ha…that's great! I just happened upon MacGruber one night and could hardly believe what I was seeing—-it's almost anti-humor and it hit me right in the sweet spot. Hot Rod was the same—by the time the music video/singing scene comes around — you'll know the one — I could hardly breathe. I'll bet you'll like it a lot

Ha ha…agreed! And then he says: "Shut your butt," which just kills me for some reason.

Seems like movie projects involving Lonely Island guys are always a slow burn. They disappear when released but become cult classics. Popstar was awesome but no one went to see it in theaters. Hot Rod is genius level funny. MacGruber made me laugh like a lunatic.

"Yeah, so what?!"

It's a truly phenomenal book. Marty is always interesting—especially when he goes into religious mode and leaves the modern crime behind (even though I love those films dearly.)

Very nice piece! Besides his voice, talent and demeanor, it was his hair, too, that endeared him—a big gentle poof, like a cloud, that softened everything.

Ha…I think I agree. Lone Wolf is a much more fun watch. Carradine is a great villain, and I do like their final fight quite a bit. Plus he escapes being buried by utilizing his monster truck.

First Blood was on cable AGAIN the other night, and I watched the entire thing from the point I caught it. It is such a good flick, so well made, and great performances all around. Sequels always push everything into the red, so I understand the reasoning behind Rambo, which I enjoyed quite a bit as a kid—but it's

I think "Code" was definitely Norris' best. A serious cop drama, directed by Andrew Davis, no less—who was probably the best director to ever work with Norris. I think it still holds up. Now, Invasion USA on the other hand…

What a bummer of a game last night…snooze fest. But reading this column makes it all better. I never ever fail to laugh at some of the score predictions: 5-0.

Watched Punch-Drunk Love the other night—PSH is so damn good as the Mattress Man. Just a supporting role, but, man, does he ooze sleaze and menace in limited screen time. He was truly something special.

Indeed, sir…I could watch The Money Pit, The Man with the One Red Shoe, Volunteers, etc…on an endless loop.

He was definitely a must-watch back in the day. I loved all his action movies, even the lesser ones like Raw Deal and the one he made with Jim Belushi. Seems like True Lies was the last excellent one, but he's always worth checking out … even in the interminable Terminator sequels.

Great pics. Such sustained excellence for so long. They were key parts of the 70s auteur era and even after that they always elevated whatever they were in.

I'm gonna go with Daniel Day-Lewis and Jessica Chastain. DDL has a unique type of charisma and unpredictability that makes him utterly compelling. And the fact that he waits so long between projects makes his stuff usually have the feel of a heavyweight fight.

I must say, I liked the pilot quite a bit—even though I went into it with my usual determination NOT to like something new. But Driver is definitely the glue that holds it all together and will keep me checking in throughout the following weeks. Hope they can keep it up! All I want from sitcoms sometimes is to just

Man, your comment was really a firestarter!

*DeNiro kicks Billy Bats over and over*