
I've been so tired lately, and I've also been whining a lot lately about being tired, and now I'm tired and tired of whining and I'm tired of the sound of my own voice. I can't seem to close the deal on several loose ends in my life, and I'm tired of that, too.

I didn't even realize this was in the works. Thanks for the head's up! Their voices really work well on that song—so much so that I thought Buckingham wrote it for the longest time.

I agree. The Menace duel has the coolest saber and choreography—but the Empire and Jedi duels are filled with so much subtext and emotion. That's why the TFA duel is up there, too.

I want Smits and Franz, not from NYPD but from their Emmy appearance.

I'm torn—I know the dude is actually a good actor, and I really do like to hear about actors/actresses and how they approach roles. It's just that he seems so utterly pretentious about it and it's kind of exhausting. Most actors are needy, sure, but Leto seems obsessively so…or that's how his publicity makes him seem.

You mean…you missed the peanut butter sandwich gag? Your night is ruined!

Fourth quarter just started…get over there! Packers trying to come back!

Interesting show, with some great speeches, surprises…and some cringeworthy shit. Great watching with everyone!


I didn't even mind her nearly drowning him out with her song…just sucks.

Goddamnit, Rickman. Every time.

Banks and Dinklage—two cool motherfuckers.

Ha…and as soon as I said that, their offense stalled out.

Meanwhile, Sam Bradford's having a pretty good game against the Pack tonight.


Schriber looking pissed, standing 40 feet away from Keri.

This guy is freaking commanding this whole damn place.


What color is Claire Danes tonight?! Cranston ups the cool quotient, though.

John Mayer sighting offset by brief glimpse of Cranston.