
First time I remember Tambor was in And Justice For All, crazily throwing plates in the hallway. Then getting decked by Michael Keaton in Mr. Mom. Amazing career…just phenomenal.

Tears twice now already…this has been a pretty damn good show so far.

I love Julia. But Metcalf should win Emmys every year even when she's not on TV.

Scolari ready to start catching up to Tom Hanks!

Yep…I hope it's not a long, slow, predictable slog from here on out. But…it probably will be.


Louis was so damn excited, holy shit!

Hey, I didn't say I didn't like it, ha!

Decimating Maggie Smith is a … curious choice.

That's a good one…lots of fanfare! Was always a Sunday morning staple back in the day.

It is probably the coolest theme, although I think Hill Street Blues is the all-time best.

It's the best part of the whole movie! He cuts it cross-ways cause that's how he rolls.

"You're lucky we still let you play the DRUUUUUMS"

I've grown to love this show so much even though parts of various seasons were pretty weak. I just like spending time with these guys despite the ups and downs of quality.


This is still in my top 5 Community episodes. I loved the cartoon as a kid, same as Transformers—both have aged horribly and are a bad idea to watch now…but Community really brought out the fun/funny things about GI Joe that I remember.

Me too…Game was where I stopped reading King for a long time. Tried to get back into him here and there, several years and many books later. But Game seemed to be the end of his development—and was the first King book I didn't finish.

Can Turk dance to this one? Because that's all the Bell Biv Devoe one needs in life!

Ha, yes! Barker was a grumpy old sock in the last few years. But in his prime (and a little bit after that, even) he had such good timing, such good reactions to things—bad contestants, poorly played games, bids. Drew just laughs/chuckles slyly at everything. And when Barker actually laughed and really meant it—it

Ugh, yes! Got a chance to watch Drew Carey this morning on TPIR. The show is still as fun as always…but he has no rhythm, can't form words, can't keep the show moving. He's goofy and likable, I suppose, but I'd love a broadcaster with some charm.