
I forgot about Cullen…he was one of the greats! I miss actual game show hosts instead of celebrities/sports stars.

Gordon's two personas are fascinating to me. I love watching him yell at people on Hell's Kitchen, of course — but this is what they wanted to feed (har har) Americans…shouting and needless drama. That's why I'm glad Gordon's softer side is finally on display on Master Chef, at least.

That snack sounds glorious!

It is a little too easy, isn't it? You are right, though—I guess they wanted to ensure more winners instead of how it was the last time game shows were a thing (Millionaire and the like), where people didn't win as much and it was just endless suspense. I would like to see a super round or something on the new show,

My pleasure! It's really a fun little show. And I love the fact that he flashes the sources on the screen. Good stuff.

Nicely said, sir. They grew up together, went through the crucible together, were closer than brothers, used each other up and hated each other for a while. It's one of the most fascinating relationships in all of popular culture—one that bled out quite nakedly in the Beatles last few years and in numerous songs

Coming off a heartbreaking New Orleans Saints loss and an amazing Arkansas Razorbacks win, I think I'm kind of footballed out. Hell, who am I kidding: I'll probably watch these games, too.

Ha ha ha…I am a dumbass. My apologies, sir.

Ha, I love it when films are taken too seriously! Thanks for the response! I agree with what you say here, for sure. Spielberg and Lucas certainly weren't going for that, and "perfect trash in the best of ways" is a great way to describe it. But, for me, Raiders just all comes together in a way that's hard to

Ha, I love that, too. He's just so gleefully unhinged through the whole movie…he elevates that film so much. I often wonder how many takes that laugh took!

I like to listen to Abbey Road, Let it Be and then McCartney when I'm feeling particularly sad. His whole world fell down around him and he went so far inside himself then. I find a strange sense of inspiration there, a way to pull myself out of a funk when I hear how he pushed his art even further in those dark times.

When I realized "Two of Us" was more about John and Paul rather than Paul and Linda—just, damn. It can be a shatteringly sad song. "Long and Winding Road," too. People who think Paul wasn't emotional in his songwriting have not listened close enough to those later albums. This was a man who was CRUSHED by the

"Secret Wars" was the last comic I fully remember being immersed in besides the Transformers comics. It was such good stuff. Then Secret Wars II—and, well, that was the end of that.

Caught the tail end of "Captain Phillips" yesterday when Hanks has his shock breakdown—amazing to remember how he started and how it all sort of started to change with "Big." He's so good it's ridiculous. He elevated "Big" waaaaaay past all the other "change bodies/ages" movie that all came out about that time.

What are your thoughts on "Sematary"? I recently reread it again and was struck by how bleak it is and how I couldn't finish it. Not because I didn't like it—I think it's in his top 5. But as I get older, I'm realizing I can't mentally handle some of that stuff anymore!

Finally watched the first two episodes of "Atlanta." So good…I hope it can keep this up. Donald Glover is such an interesting presence—funny, serious, quirky, deep—sometimes in just the same scene or expression. Glad to have him back on TV.

Ha ha! "There was this guy once, you see this scar…"

"A ronin of the gridiron" — fantastic.

That would have been fantastic! Booth was so good at playing those grizzled types…a little smackdown of Howell was perfectly in order.

The way he says "Hi, Sarah" and yawns…ha, what a great little character moment and introduction. I can't remember the actor's name—but he was so, so good in both Terminator films.