
Ha ha ha…I mentioned Firewalker awhile back, totally embarrassed that I remembered it. I went to see it in the theater, expecting a karate-kicking Indiana Jones and well…we got something else.

Biehn sell the SHIT out the scenario for the whole film. It's all so absurd—but he's lived it, seen it, smelled it. It's a phenomenal performance.

Temple of Doom is fantastic, unrelenting, absurd—I love every second of it.

Great piece!

Man, that's awesome! I live for reading and writing things like that. Did you get a good grade/good feedback? I think you are right. He goes in with half of his humanity intact. And his whole life, his whole future passes before his eyes right then…the train drowns out everything else and his eyes dart in every

Me too…He goes through so many emotions in the scene where he kills Solozzo and the chief. Just with his eyes. It's mesmerizing stuff. His transformation is all done so subtly—man, I would love to have that actor back.

Ooooh…I do like DeNiro quite a bit in Angel Heart. Pacino is pretty good in Scent of a Woman, too, I think—even though the movie is kind of treacly.

Opened this story up, hoped it had that exact picture of Pacino…YES! Sometimes, it's the little things.

Ha ha…I love Dr. Smoov's stuff.

That's right! He probably went insane, talked to himself a lot, prayed to his shrine of Megatron. I mean, this stuff just writes itself.

I want a Shockwave standalone film. Just him puttering around on Cybertron. Or a buddy film with him and Soundwave. Or an origin story. There's gotta be something cool we can do to wash the taste away from what Michael Bay's done. Are any of the newish cartoons worth my time? I've just lost track after the original

Crisp air, gray skies, the smell of woodsmoke, football, the chance of rain—and memories of childhood.

When those fries are hot, they are wondrous. I bathe in the grease and give great thanks to the chemicals surging through my body, making me Super American Man. But, man, when they are cold or coldish—as they were the last time I had them, they are truly awful. Soggy wet rags of disappointment and shame.

I totally get it! I remember liking the couple of Fletch books I read although it's been years and years. I really like him in the movie and it holds up pretty well—but it's a whole different animal, that's for sure! I did roll my eyes even back when I was a youngster, though, when it turns out the two plots he is

I really liked Invisible Man, too. Foul Play is kind of crappy upon rewatch. Seems Like Old Times is still pretty good, though. But you are right—it's Goldie Hawn and Charles Grodin who really make that thing work. Chase shows up and quips through the whole thing like he does in Fletch. I mean, I really like him in

Ha…oh, I know. But his glory days are long since past, so I was just thinking of when he was in his prime, is all.

Chase is a cantankerous, bitter old bastard these days and a notoriously difficult a-hole who hasn't made a lot of friends over the years. He isn't beloved like Murray, isn't seen as a chameleon-esque utility player or idea man like Akroyd, wasn't skilled behind the camera like Ramis and wasn't a mad genius like

I'm strangely mesmerized by the ninja all-stars on Sasuke. On one hand, it seems sad in a way—but on the other, these guys are so dedicated to this one thing, and it's kid of inspirational. I've seen like all the seasons of the original Japanese show-and now I find myself very sad that the Nagano era is over and

Gotta say, I really like Fox as Reagan—she's brought a different vibe to the show. Nice to have someone who isn't a neurotic mess all the time, and I like her and Nick together a lot. Jess is definitely the weakest link at this point—but I guess it's been that way for a while!

Yes! That's the way to do it. IT'S UP TO YOU TO KEEP THE TRUE FANDOM ALIVE.