
This kind of sounds like a crappy episode or two (or however long it lasts). But I really still like this show and like hanging out with these people once a week—I thought the Schmidt/CC buildup and wedding was very well done.

This is great! Craig would be perfect for this kind of thing.

I'd watch this. Something different. Bond has to retake the 007 exam or something.

Can't blame him for considering that chunk of change. More power to him if he agrees, I suppose..

Ha, there's a few of us out there, promise!

That's a great comparison to Capra. As I get older, I realize that sometimes it's OK to just want enjoyment, a good time from a movie without feeling challenged. It's not that you turn your brain off…it's that you can get caught up in the fun and realize it also fed the soul a bit. Reiner's best films do those things.

Don't feel shame! You like what you like! Saddles and Frankenstein will always be two of my personal favorite films—I love them to death, but if they don't speak to you, then that's OK. They are definitely of their time. I don't mean that they don't still hold up (I think they are more relevant now than ever) but they

Wilder's Sherlock film is one of those that kind of got lost over the years, for whatever reason, but I think it's great fun. I hope it gets rediscovered now that he's gone.

I think you're right. It just took me awhile to realize that "art," especially where film is concerned, can mean more than I thought it could mean.

I made almost this same comment a little while ago—wasn't trying to steal your thunder, I honestly didn't scroll through the comments. Regardless, you are absolutely right!

"Oh, I think I'm entitled to throw a little anger your way!" It really is his best role—he's on fire, hitting all the right notes in that film.

I always forget just how great his filmography has been and how many lifetime passes he gets. Hell, he gets a lifetime pass just for Spinal Tap, I think. But I never thought of him as a "filmmaker" like I would Kubrick or Scorsese or whoever we put in that top tier category.

It definitely has the most ear-shatteringly awful, tone deaf, wanked out crap guitar solo I've ever heard.

Ha ha, thank you for the reminder of the Python classic! That's awesome…especially when Terry Jones' character dies while trying to spit the whole name out.

My favorite was always Iorek Byrnison from "His Dark Materials" and the execrable film "The Golden Compass." Just sounds cool, like a bad-ass king of the bears should be.

Ha ha…"I guess we need to leave the Bronx."

When she shouts "BRONX," all things in the world die. It's just so bad.

I forgot about this one—this has to be the correct answer. Ugly, ugly, ugly.

Yes! It definitely doesn't deserve its reputation as the all-time love anthem or whatever it is .Pretty lazy writing, repetitive, overly simplistic—the worst of their drug-psychedlia years.

I'm gonna have to go with "Piggies" or "Don't Pass Me Buy." Piggies is such an ugly little song, and, of course, the whole Manson thing—which isn't the Beatles' fault, but makes listening to it doubly harsh. "Pass" is just badly recorded, sloppy — and that damn violin!