
One of my favorites. When he fakes the heart attack in the car and Gilda bends up the antenna, when he throws the soap at the camera after a tantrum in the bath, the air grate, the weird dude who likes his wife, Charles Grodin—it really is a cute, breezy little comedy.

I haven't read it, but most people I know do hate it and wonder why he went back to that place.

Agreed. So grim and hopeless. And I wonder how the poor daughter copes with all of the death. That's one sequel that I wouldn't mind, honestly. If he can do Dr. Sleep…

I wonder how many redhead obsessions Beverly helped inspire. Quite a bit, I bet!

Indeed—it is a batshit crazy ride that has some great moments.

Great piece, thank you for this!

Her roles in "Tootsie," "Mr. Mom" and "After Hours" are so, so, so good and so special to me.

I believe I heard somewhere this week that that's true. Wilder ad-libbed part of that speech, at least the "morons" part—Little's reaction is genuine. The two of them are so effortlessly charming throughout that whole movie.

I remember kind of liking it, but I haven't seen it in sooooo long. He was good behind the director's chair. The Sherlock Holmes movie, Honeymoon and The Woman in Red.

Norman Bates!

His easy charm, goofy hair, expressive face and sudden bouts of rage were the best things ever, and I grew up on his movies and laughed myself silly for years.

Hey, thanks. Happy viewing!

I loved all the Viacom ones. Especially the V of doom, hurdling toward you with rumbling tympani, making you duck for cover!

I loved the Bugs Bunny/Road Runner movie because it ended in that 20 minute compilation of all the best Wile E. Coyote antics. That was great stuff and still is.

I keep a copy of American Graffiti in the pantry, above the sink, right next to my dick cream.

IT JUST DOESN'T MATTER! Words to live by.

Deliverance isn't exactly fun summertime stuff, but it captures a certain spirit of adventure, being out on the rapids all by yourselves, trying to rough it, etc.

Hey, if it's moody sci-fi you're after, maybe Solaris (1972 version), Brazil, Alien, Metropolis, Ex Machina, Moon, A.I. Artificial Intelligence, maybe Silent Running or THX-1138?

This is true—it hurt to watch. I seem to recall that's how Duran lost a couple of times to Leonard—just trying to box with him. Used to love to watch Hagler wail on all those challengers, but maybe he just lost his nerve. Damn.

Hey, check out a site called Boxing Junkies. I think they have a ton of DVDs of the old classics. I used to have a VHS compilation called "The Fantastic Four" that chronicled all the Duran, Hearns, Hagler and Leonard's fights with one another—I see Amazon has it on DVD, but it's a bit pricey!