
That scene is so great. One trap after another, with the deputies all screaming: WILL, WILL, WILL, AHHHHHHH, as Dennehy runs back and forth like a dad dealing with a house full of toddlers.

I've seen the movie more times than I can count, and man, you are right. Dennehy and Crenna both overact quite a bit, which is fine—but Dennehy is just a raging asshole from start to finish, frothing at the mouth at nearly every turn. Sure, he's pissed off and I like his performance—but still, He gets kind of tiresome.

Haha! Why did he not try force push there?! ARG. So many inconsistencies…it drives me nuts. Just what does the Force do? When? Why? ARG.

I agree. I watched a YouTube clip of it last night—too stressful for me these days. I prefer just hanging out in the facility bathroom and killing guys from the ceiling. Funny how my gaming priorities have shifted!

Gotta admit, the trailer looks pretty damn good. But we've all been fooled before! Still, I'm in…as usual.

I'm kind of excited, kind of worried, kind of fed up with the whole thing, kind of ready with my fucking wallet, kind of disgusted that I'm going to pay for it, kind of sick of reading about it, kind of clicking everything I can click to read about it, kind of mad that all the stories in my imagination are going to be

Such mystique in my imagination, a quiet, intense battle, with the very fates of world in the balance but yet intensely personal. Maybe only in a few square feet with lots of space between moves. And now it's a goddamned acrobatic video game battle with the two of them flinging their shit all over the place…just, fuck.

Ha, you are so right, man…it's just trial and error over and over…so frustrating. Good on your wife for helping you out. My and my gal were using the guidebook (cheating, I know), and we were still like, "FUCK, you mean I gotta wait/go back? Fuck it, put in the first game."

I was waiting for this and scared you wouldn't show up! Thanks for delivering, sir!

Ah, I see. I feel like I want to try it again this weekend, but I know it will just end in heartache and anger!

I was so pissed that Tooie sucked so bad. Lots of imaginative levels (I particularly liked the carnival/fair one and how you could access the dinosaur level from one of the walls), but even with the warp pads, it just takes too damn long to do anything and there are too many things in other worlds you have to keep

I don't think I ever unlocked the invincibility cheat in the Facility—is that the one where you have to beat it in under 2 minutes? Just finding Doak in the right room seems like it might take up too much time. I seem to remember entering a code at some point to get invincibility, but I may be misremembering.

Agreed on the 2D versions. I really liked DK64's final boxing battle—it was very imaginative. Playing it again recently, I was pretty frustrated that it takes so damn long to walk anywhere in the game, especially all the way up that castle!

Ugh, I destroyed a controller and a guide book trying to beat that damn arcade game within the toy factory level. It's absolutely fucking BONKERS hard. I do love that level, otherwise, though, like you say. The game had a bunch of fun mini-games, which kept me coming back to it again and again (the fun slides come to

Interesting. I will watch this because I like to be punished. Might be cool to see what others think, examine intricacies, ponder the meaning/lost potential.

Goldeneye for the win, forever! Was just replaying that one and ouch. I don't know HOW I ever beat it without the cheats, at least the infinite ammo and guns. Protecting Natalya at the computer terminal is freaking impossible for me now as is shooting all the damn missile turrets.

What's funny is that I still have my first game saved on the old cartridge—think it comes in somewhere at 40+ hours! Me and my friend played it so much over the next year or two that we just absolutely learned every possible shortcut, fastest rout—we turkey walked the whole game, all the little tricks, etc. We were

There were a lot of damn bananas and oranges to collect in DK…it was pretty damn exhausting, for sure. That didn't bode well for the sequel, Banjo Tooie—which was waaaaay too expansive and frustrating.

Yep, my company posted that the US won the gold medal in gymnastics well before it was on TV and we got some nasty feedback. I mean, it's not like it was a surprise anyway!

Loved Mario 64—but was so glad to scroll down and see that big picture of Banjo Kazooie, which I think is still the benchmark of these kinds of games. Just played it again after several years off and still managed to beat the whole thing in about 5 hours. It's wicked, wicked fun.