
I miss Penfold so much!

Oh man, me too. I hear one note of that song and I can picture the camera swooping down and the whole recap from the first film. It's a gloriously creepy thing for sure.

Ha ha, oh shit, this is great. I had forgotten that, how they droned on and on! I remember Who Wants to be a Millionaire was just AWFUL because of all the time they spent rationalizing and debating an answer. I like shows like Jeopardy where they just spit the answer out and move on. But Card Sharks certainly had its

That sound effect was pretty rough, too. I loved that cheesy old show. That set was about as big as a closet and all tan, I believe.

Ha, I missed the Jones episode! Maybe the celebrities need to get drunk as hell like in the old days to give the whole thing a more smarmy charm.

That's a good point—maybe the contestants are afraid to go too far or go for that obvious crass answer these days.

"We surveyed 100 female construction workers…how many of you have oogled men as they pass by your workplace?" "65!" "LOWER!"

Me too, man. I love it. Seems as if the contestants used to match better back in the old days. The ones I've seen with Baldwin, we are getting 1, 2 matches top per round. But I guess that makes for better comedy. Either way, I am liking it—in spite of myself.

Ha, just wrote that in my comment before seeing this—perfect choice.

We're ahhh, we're the Pinheads.

Melted into an entire generation's mind, forever.

Oh man, excellent call on the Deer Hunter. That song perfectly captures all of their joy and togetherness and is a great cap to that first section before all hell breaks loose. Heard that song the other day and my mind flashed to Russian roulette.

Yes! That fade in from one segment to another…I knew I was forgetting a great one from that film.

"Everybody Wants to Rule the World," used in the popcorn-drenched finale of Real Genius.

Ouch…that sounds pretty tone deaf and kind of ugly.

It sure seems that the film could use some editing and streamlining to focus on the most interesting characters. I would definitely watch a Joker/Harley film and I'm not even that big of a fan of either.

This is a good point. I guess he wants to add his name to the legacy, which I totally understand. I rag on the guy for seeming desperate in his portrayal and his methods in creating it, but I suppose any of us would do similar things to be on that list—and to make some money. Just seems like there are the other Jokers

Is the Joker just worn out at this point? I think everybody has the right to play whatever they want if the part is available and people are giving you money to do it, sure. But what is Leto's Joker? And why does he want to keep doing it?

I love Armisen to death, but I disagree about "Wonderful Christmastime." Memorable doesn't mean good, it means memorable. A lot of bad things can be memorable.

Well, that's it then, I suppose. Can we blame the failure on Jared Leto? Because I really want to do that. I think he's much scarier as Jared Leto than the Joker. THAT'S your movie, Suicide Squad 2 producers.