
Fellow Quantum of Solace liker! Better, if not as pretty, than Skyfall and Spectre.

Just read Walter Chaw's review over at Film Freak Central. I hope the Rotten Tomatoes petition kids don't come after him…yikes. He really knows how to take down a film, and he does it with a lot of style. I'm betting the negative reviews are more entertaining than the movie by far.

Galaga! Always my eternal favorite. I was also very into a game called Zookeeper, which not many people remember. Basically run around a square really fast, throw bricks and try to keep animals inside a pen. I loved it!

I hear she's also quite the French kisser.

Much agreed. They all go for the same four chord big chorus, and everything is produced at the same level, loudly, with no nuance whatsoever. It's a wall of fake twang, mid-tempo rock/country hybrid.

Ha, I know exactly what you mean. I have no idea what I'm doing. I watched the two-hour thing last night and KNEW they were baiting and switching us by making Jordan seem to be an asshole that she wouldn't pick. I was able to skip out on the AFTER THE ROSE, horseshit, so maybe there's hope for me yet!

This is the motherfucking Star Wars movie I want to see. Give me it! Are you listening, you Disney bastards?

I think that was Motti, right? He chokes at the table and his face lands on a big yellow button. As a kid, I thought he had just thrown up a fried egg on the table.

This is beautiful.

I just started watching "Farscape" again! Saw a mention of it somewhere online and decided to dive back in, jumping around to hit the high points since I already binged on it a few years back. Followed a link from some reviews online and saw our own AV Club recaps that went through season 3 and never finished up.

I know this comment is four years old…but I love it, upvoted it and appreciate it. This is all true. I love both Paul and John, but Paul is my favorite for many of the reasons you list above and so many people seem to forget a lot of it. Paul was at his apex when the Beatles were at their apex—Revolver and Sgt.

I know this comment is four years old…but I love it, upvoted it and appreciate it. This is all true. I love both Paul and John, but Paul is my favorite for many of the reasons you list above and so many people seem to forget a lot of it. Paul was at his apex when the Beatles were at their apex—Revolver and Sgt.

I unironically love Yes in almost all its forms and am surprised the band isn't in there already, but I know the Hall of Fame folks are pretty anti-prog rock and Yes is the proggiest.

Oh, sorry for the confusion! You are right—the cinematography is really fantastic. Kill Bill has some beautiful sequences. It's the subject matter for me. His stuff just comes across as desperately seedy and dingy—to the point of being boring and pointless. I love great violence in film, great examinations of crime,

Effortlessly catchy…so many songwriters would have killed to have written something so damn nice.

That's a great list! Ram is fucking great, and McCartney has lots of noodles and half-starts, but it's still pretty damn good.

You are right on. But musical genius is tough to maintain and it never lasts. The fact that he lasted as long as he did and still does it in patches is absolutely mind blowing to me. Brian Wilson couldn't maintain it and, in fact, was destroyed by it. True melodic gifts are fickle and worn down by time, experience and

This is currently the best sports column on the web. Certainly the funniest. Please keep it up—I look forward to Fridays at work now! LET'S GET SOME OTHER SPORTS COLUMNS GOING WHEN THE SEASON IS OVER!!

Love, love, love Click Clock. As much as I love the Mario games—Banjo Kazooie was a better Mario 64 than Mario 64.

It IS the wackiest, strangest level—you put it very well. I found a lot of the 64 levels to be unnerving. Maybe at the time it came out—maybe they seemed fine. But going back and playing it after everything else made it seem spartan and just so exhilaratingly strange.