

I watched the first hour or so—had it on in the background while I watched something much better online. Miley was harmless and stupid. Nicki Minaj called Miley out and I thought there was gonna be a rumble. Taylor was needy. Demi Lovato was writhing while wet. I turned the thing off when Iggy Azalea popped up. I

So, so true…great post. His best work, "Rain" and "She Said She Said," are psychedelic gems. People always remember Ringo as just mindlessly bashing away on a hi-hat (which he had to do to live just to keep time since no one in the band could really hear what they were doing), but his work really elevates so many

And I believe it was a pattern that McCartney suggested. He seemed to do that quite a few times. Nothing against Ringo, of course, who came up with tons of his own great licks.

Ha, so true. I think it was described as 'riddum.' The Heart guy plays it pretty well, but Bonham sustains that shit for 10 minutes, damn.

I admire anyone that can quote "Red Dawn" unironically. My hat is off to you, sir. Sometimes I like to blurt.."BECAUSE…WE…LIVE HERE!"

Oooh, ooh! Good one! I like to work in: "Good luck in prison."

Whenever it's too cold in the house: "Do you realize it's snowing in my room, goddamnit?"

Indeed. That Busta Rhymes shit is one of the single worst franchise-ruining moments of all time. All that shit Laurie went through, to cut off his fucking head in a moment of triumph—that was all fake. Fuck the makers of Resurrection. Just how dumb do they think we are? The answer. Very dumb. They think we are very

It really is a pretty good flick with a great sense of humor, and the bridge collapse is really well done!

Her breakout of the institution is superb. Whacking that guy with the mop handle, bouncing around on the tips of her toes…the doctor finally realizing that everything was true. Good shit.

Yep…Furlong is really terrible. There are some great sequences, of course, and shit is still cool. Robert Patrick is still the best thing in it.

Ugh. I hate this retcon shit. All that energy and excitement and cultural milestones that the first two were and then…fuck it? Here's some mediocre shit instead? I don't want to take it too seriously, but shit like that just sounds like cynical, moneygrubbing horseshit. Which, of course, it is. Fuck Hollywood

You are right. Truthfully, I kind of admire the throwaway line to explain why Arnold is suddenly 847 years old. But it would have been cool to maybe come up with another explanation? Hell, I don't know. They should have stopped at T2 anyway.

Back off, man. I'm a scientist.

They aren't hard for me to fathom. They just aren't entertaining, and endless speculation gets really old really fast. If you are a fan, then I'm glad.

*kickass 80s upbeat cheese song*

I agree wholeheartedly with this. The tone is different, sure, but it was a new network and a new setup. I love Joel to death, but my inner cynic identifies more with Mike's delivery, which does get a little snippy in the Sci-Fi years…and I love it. They are pretty merciless with some of these films, and I love that,

"Just because a hair style is in doesn't mean it's the one for you."

Feeding deer one minute, pitchforking guys in sheds the next.