
I don't see why she can't marry this guy too. It's not like Joe Smith doesn't have a couple of extra wives.

Hire this man.

your friends are sand bagging you.

On the other hand, Trent Richardson shitting his pants every week didn't help his career one bit.

If that's not a foul, subtract 170,000 points from Kobe Bryant's career stats.

I, for one, see nothing wrong with the Patriot Act that would increase video surveillance of everything.

You spelled "Woody Johnson" wrong...

NFL: Considering the nature of this transgression, it does not seem outlandish to think that the punishment for this will be more than a slap on the wrist.

Decker, Harvin and now Marshall. The Jets haven't had that many mouths to feed since Antonio Cromartie was on the team.

All this means is that someone other than B.J Upton will lead the league in strikeouts this year

He's standing in the restricted area, that half circle under the basket. A charge can't be called if you're in the restricted area.

Well, that's certainly odd. Never seen a whale jump a shark before.

It's nice to see Fitzgerald staying true to the city and franchise that drafted him by embracing the longstanding Arizona tradition of being where old people go to play out their final years.

The Browns understand the potential consequences of exploiting this loophole, but a high-ranking team executive said that, "it's worth taking a shot".

"When he loosened his grip slightly, I said, 'Just do it. Kill me.'"

Looks like he paid her off. This is Hardy surprising.

Rodgers won a Super Bowl with Mike McCarthy as his head coach, which is basically comparable to 15 Belichick Super Bowls.

'And No One will Remember it'