
The podcast interviewer is Peter Sagal. He’s the host of Wait Wait...Don’t Tell Me on NPR, which seems like a little weird pick but then again when you look at Craig Mazin’s writing history you wouldn’t necessarily have picked him to write this series either.

Would you be surprised to learn Hugh Freeze is a former private High School head coach? 

Am I the only straight white male Star Wars fan who enjoyed The Last Jedi? I’m sure I’m not, but the intense hatred of this movie just seems weird. It was fine. There were parts that were questionable, but it was enjoyable enough. 

Are you sure Joey Crawford doesn’t have grandkids that live in your neighborhood?

As a Mississippi State fan, I’m crushed. It may be cliche, but this team deserved it. The fans traveled everywhere. They sold out a large chunk of their home games (over 10,000 seats, it’s also the men’s stadium), and set the overall attendance record this year. For most Notre Dame folks, I suspect the reaction is

Take a star!

Was it this article about Dellavedova? I think that’s what you are referring to.

This is why football as a sport will go the way of boxing over the next 50 years. The NFL has done nothing so far to stop this.

Sexton scored 40, not 38. Also Alabama lost the Iron Bowl. That has no bearingon this article, but it is fun to keep bringing up!

I was one of those typical sports fans who figured women’s basketball would not be an enjoyable sport to watch. But as a student at Mississippi State (A student who wouldn’t really fit in at any of the parties or anything) I figured why not kill some time and see the women play (this was their first year of being

I mean, it just seems crazy to me that they would get the QB’s name wrong on a top 20 team, but I dunno. This kind of stuff happens multiple times a year btw.

Parkey pulled this kick off in college too. It’s one he has worked on a lot and it seems to be effective. He can use his body to shield the defender from the ball.

I grew up in Bama too. Which county was it if you don’t mind me asking?

Until the NFL starts ejecting and suspending players on top of fining them for this stuff, these hits will continue.

Every national outlet that reports on Ole Miss/Miss State must mix the two up once per story. It’s the law.

About a week after Trump was elected, I became convinced that there was a fairly high chance (25% or so) our entire republic would collapse on itself. Most in my family felt I was just being my pessimistic self. They now think I may have been too low with my chances.

Can they both lose?

Please dont be Alabama.Please dont be Alabama.Please dont be Alabama.Please dont be Alabama.Please dont be Alabama.Please dont be Alabama.Please dont be Alabama.Please dont be Alabama.Please dont be Alabama.Please dont be Alabama.Please dont be Alabama.

This is what I came here for.