Thundarr Blackstar


In light of your record, have you thought about not attending any more concerts?

Unrelated, but has Trump every tried to grab a p but come up d? When are those stories going to start coming out?

I have to admit, I’m having trouble believing that Trump could have engaged in this sort of behavior for decades upon decades in NYC without someone stabbing him in the neck with a steak knife and leaving it in there for him to decide whether he wants to bleed out now or later. /grim, rueful irony

Have you tried, uhm, “firing a torpedo”?

Curt’s 50 years old, so he’s saying that if he were still 35 he’d be ... ? i can’t finish the thought, or rather, I did finish it and it was so vile I deleted it.

So the people who enabled this pervert’s sex abuse sent letters to the judge saying they got this covered. Seems legit.

sorry, man, should’ve NSFWed that pic

Oooh, and they could go up against all the villains with awesome facial hair like Leader, Doctor Faustus, Baron Mordo, etc.

Not a bad idea at all. What are some heroes you’d like to see paired? For my part, I think a Hulk/Dr. Strange team-up might be interesting. Initially Banner could be trying to learn some mystic arts to control the Hulk and Strange could be studying the Hulk’s regenerative abilities because in his heart, he still want

I’m kinda over Black Widow/Avengers, and anyway, I doubt a standalone Black Widow movie would be a very interesting entry into the espionage genre; it would probably be a series of action sequences with coincidence, techno-magic, and dumb luck masquerading as spycraft as the connective tissue.

Fuck The Matrix, man, eXistenZ was the VR movie of 1999. INPEACH!!1!

Look at this pic and tell me it doesn’t give you a chub

I enjoyed the 80s TV series, itself a sequel to the 1953 film. It was weird and creepy.


And try the veal!

Just about anything fried in lard and covered in powdered sugar makes a tasty funnel cake.

I think Dr. Alchemy is some kind of trans- or multidimensional traveler who, through a mixture of hand-waving and body horror, is able to help people to realize their selves as they existed in tangent universes, but according to Wikipedia the three people who’ve been Dr. Alchemy have gotten their powers via super

Re: 3): I just assumed that Jay Garrick, having been at it longer, has developed his powers above and beyond Barry’s abilities.

Why? It’s not like Theil’s moved on from being any of the things that made him a rightful target of criticism in the first place.