Thundarr Blackstar

AND Batroc. They could be funded By J.J.Jameson.

Deadspin is Deadspin and we’ll cover what we want.

As a voracious reader and displayer of print books, I’m always fascinated by the bookshelves people pose in front of. Is that the entire set of Sandman books on the 2nd shelf from the top?  

Not to answer your question, but: I saw Lynyrd Skynyrd before the plane crash into a swamp, Led Zeppelin before John Bonham drowned in vodka, Ozzy w/Randy Rhoads before the plane crash into the tour bus, and Stevie Ray Vaughan (for $3 billed by the club as a Jimi Hendrix tribute act) before the helicopter crash.

My mom, who 68 years old and deeply religious, told me last night, “You know I’ve always told you that everyone is good, or has some good in them. I don’t know if I believe that anyone. Now I think 40%—you know that’s how many who are voting for him—40% are just racist.”

I’m pretty sure this is the last one.

The most serious issue of this election is not Donald Trump. It’s people who support Donald Trump.

One of the worst things about this election is learning exactly what percentage of Americans are total monsters.

My accusers want free fame! Except for the anonymous ones, they’re cowards who don’t have the guts to face me in public!

“We don’t care!” yelled supporters in the crowd

Can’t I just sell Russia my credit card number directly?

It’s in Rolling Stone (somewhat ironically), Taibbi’s most recent article was the subject.

I just crossed my legs together SO TIGHTLY.


This is a very clever and effective image, even though I just barfed in my mouth a little.

holy shit.

Oh my damn.