Thud Slamrod

Oh look, this guy still doesnt know how to gubmint.

Ah, brings back memories of the good old days of ESPN 2...

This will also be the last look at what it can do offroad.

Oh look, its the guy who doesnt know how to gubmint.

Its just another shitty German car. They make new ones every day.

I would have went with the “Viper Pit” over the nest.

I found a Desert Storm vintage MRE in the storage bin of my 85 RX7.

A horrendous climb through the windy valley past the Dutchman’s Mine.

Whichever store has the fewest clueless morons in line. I could be in and out in three minutes, but nooooooo, the poor parts jock has to figure out what you need first.

Ah yes, the forever alone bleed setup.

Still, if this dude is half assing the sale, Im sure any work he did is half assed as well.

If they couldn’t muster the minimal effort required to make the car presentable, what else didnt they do?

Ferchrissakes people. If you want to get more than $1000 for your car, it had better damn well have all of the interior trim.


I was probably more mature at 18 than I am today at 33.

I’ll be eagerly awaiting the Powdered Toast 500.

I drove a 6 speed. I found it to be rubbery and pointless. Moreover calling that pushbutton system “all wheel drive” is just false advertising.