
>According to the US Energy Information Administration, the average American household has been using the same amount of energy since the late 80s<

nitrogen has been suggested.

Looks like it’s TOO far south - probably cold year round.

Important to note that they’re passing fire between themselves, not burning propane. Each kid has popping propane-filled soap bubbles in their cupped hands that catch fire so, when they move near the next kid’s hands, THAT kid’s propane soap bubbles catch fire. Note the last kid and how fast his “bubbles” go out.


Me, too.

They were probably testing out some Yahoo software pre-purchase.


I waste SO much time on these where did I put that breadboard.

I’m not sure about that, actually. If the black hole is, like 25 km in diameter (event horizon I presume is that number) then it might take a long time for the very large Uranus-equivalent gaseous planet to get ... er ... discombobulated; even black holes gotta take SOME time to suck it out of existence.

Amazon, a for-profit company, diplomatically says (*) the numbers behind this show are nowhere near the numbers cited by that other for-profit company that made the show. So Amazon dumps the show and that other for-profit company puts out numbers that are, at best, questionable.

“...take your damn vacation days. The world will keep rotating if you leave the office for a week...”

Lol! Same here! I gave up!

“...An unfortunate part of my job involves hiring people, mostly young people. I am seeing a whole new wave of computer ignorance displayed by people who have been interacting with the internet primarily with phones and tablets for most of their lives...”

“...2011-2016 says super senior at least but why would they protect a freshman in 2011"

“Why didn’t they just arrest the guy and let the police sort it out? “


“...So, how do you let your employer know that you need a break before you break”

If a black hole (really small black hole - smallest found so far is 3-4 times the mass of the Sun and only about 25 KM in diameter) collides with a gaseous planet, how long does it take noticed?

Any modification of survival rate of selected-against individuals necessarily affects the “evolution” of that individual’s species.