
Oh, that actually does make sense.

Surely it’d be better to vote either yes or no then state this. I get abstaining when it’s along party lines and you’re forbidden from voting against the party policy or when it’s 100% in one direction so you don’t want to be the face of the “no” vote. But when there’s a decent minority voting “no” and a majority

Ok so science-wise, this means nothing so just ignore what this this cream “actually does” because really, nothing will change if you have this on your face, odin comes on your face or you rub last night’s chips on your face.

Oh I’ve started to call all my muggings “nonconsensual charity donations”!

I mean, 15 kids went “sure, I’m all for racism!”. What on Earth did abstaining achieve (unless he actually had something better to do)?

I’m 24 and, 8 years ago I was worrying about my prom dress. I don’t want to deal with this shit in 8 years time. Can we like make a pact so we all grow old with grace so I never have to deal with this shit? THINK OF HOW MUCH CHAMPAGNE WE CAN BUY FELLOW AGERS!

I was so hoping this would link the the Jezzie politics blogs and we’d learn that Hillz ACTUALLY killed someone. But meh, carry on with the crazy lesbian in this series.

I guess she could argue that she technically has a heart that pumps blood around her racist, child-kicking body.

If you got more than maybe 2 episodes in no you won’t like it, it’s not really a show that subtly sneaks up on you. I love it but I completely get how it’s not everyone’s glass of Bollie.

A big bit of me believes that any Governor or Judge who supports the death penalty should be forced to lop their heads off Game of Thrones style. Except of course a certain percentage of people would be into that and we really really don’t want those people having any more motive to seek power.

I haven’t and despite releasing shitty music I don’t think anyone should see his goods. Everyone has however so considering we don’t have mass hypnosis yet he just has to convince us that what we thought we saw wasn’t what we saw. I applaud him for going with the “uh what you saw was smaller than what truly is” route,

Yeah I read this as “domestic abuse”. I then read the story and for the first time ever was pleasantly surprised by a story from Florida.

Well... I mean, you don’t have to send them to private school.

I’m 24 and I’ve been hearing this since I was like 10. It’s starting to ease off from the older crowd and start from the my-age crowd where it could be a play-date thing. But I mostly think it’s a “well I had kids and liked it” thing. Also a lot of friends are changing from the “babies, yuck” side to the “aww babies

He needed the loo and it was cheaper than toilet paper?

Oooh thanks for this. I don’t want kids and never had and 98% of women tell me I’ll change my mind one day. A handful accept that I know my own mind but you and one other person that I knew in real life are the only people I’ve seen expressing the sentiment that people who don’t want kids shouldn’t have them. With the

Umm hopefully this won’t disappear into the greys, but this happens all the time. My Great Uncle hit my Great Aunt in a parking lot (they were married) and injuries happened so she had to sue him. Like no-one ever had to go to court, he was never going to have to pay anything but she just had to file to get the money.

No, she’s an Atheist but has 50ish years or trollish anger.

My mother (who I bring up way too much, I swear in real life I’m normal daughter she’s just prime for internet stories) used to be a supermarket demonstrator and her stories were horrific. People would just wolf down what she was offering and then after eating it ask what was it in. She’s had more than one person

The fact that Hills is taking Trump semi-seriously is really scary. I’m not American but I’ve watched The Dead Zone. Please don’t elect him!