Whether you hooked up with a gross dude from high school while home for the holidays, were caught giving your…
Whether you hooked up with a gross dude from high school while home for the holidays, were caught giving your…
I’m pretty sure the Chicago PD don’t have meager salaries. I used to work with the LAPD in insurance and their starting salary 15 years ago was around 60K. I imagine Chicago is very similar.
Doesn’t matter if the family is hurt, it’s the police that matter after all and they are above the law. Chicago’s PD has been corrupt for generations, same with New York’s. A lot of big, tourist-attracting cities seem to have this, apparently.
My fiancé works a desk job for the City Hall of our small town near the foothills east of Los Angeles. Last year President Obama was in town to dedicate a new National Monument we are adjacent to. Fiancé was stuck answering phones in the office because everyone else was buzzing around town for the dedication ceremony.…
He’s probably Swiss.
My parents just did this to me a few months ago. It’s 2015 and I was forced to have an abortion by my father because otherwise I’d bring shame on him and the family. I’d never be able to speak of it to any of my family members who would view me as a murderer.
Under the cloak of internet anonymity, I am 100% willing to start the rumor that she simulated a sex act with a dead pig, as it seems that’s the only kind of thing that really hurts people’s images anymore.
I just quit drinking, there was a night where I remember doing shots without my hands by putting my whole mouth over the shot glass. Not sure if it was something I did because it was easier or if I wanted to see if I could. Another time I woke up with a bottle of Jim Beam on the floor with a straw in it, I still have…
She lost her license because she refused the breath test and her awesome parents took her car away.Her parents are the heroes here.
The whole point of the protest being aimed at white progressives at this point is to point out that white people aren’t entitled to ANYTHING from black people. Why is it so fucking difficult for white people to understand how condescending it is to think their ostensibly progressive politics inures them from issues of…
The only things that seem to help even a little are hard candies, cold air, controlled breathing, and sipping fizzy drinks.