
He told tons of lies about me after. It was fun!

NO! Problem Dude thought I was someone else. Friend Guy dealt with him and we ended up sleeping together. God I read it your way and god no, no I didn’t rape an acquaintance when he was too drunk to know who I was!

I see it as “he’s harmless” as in I’m 90% (you might notice that is 10% too far away from 100%) he will never be president. But he’s dangerous because 35% of people support his batshit views. When over a third of the country decide internment camps are a good idea, that’s worrying...

Were there... Jewish Nazis? Like before everyone was scrambling to prove they weren’t a jew no-siree, when Hitler was just a weird Austrian with a stupid moustache?

My story is lost in the greys, but I became a philosophy major and the day after my story I ran into my high school religion teacher (smelling of booze, weed and cum, with a huge fucking hickey) and just slurred at him “you... inspired me to do... philosophy”. He was... not pleased.

This is going to get lost in the greys but I think it’s amazing. It also totally doxes me to anyone I know but it’s just too fucked up not to share.

Wait no, this is a thing people do!? I’ve had inappropriate sexy-times before but not in front of my parents! Just how the fuck would you even relax enough to consider it?

I got a twirling make up teresa for doing a semester of swimming lessons. I was so pissed that she didn’t do her own makeup. I was also in hospital as a child and got some kind of toy that you pulled a string and it flew. The adds promised me a fucking fairy and I got out of ICU and I was so fucking pissed that I

Yeah I agree 100%. It just bugs me when left-leaning (weirdly Jez isn’t the worst, Wonkette takes the fucking cake) blogs say that they shouldn’t be on air when they abetted child molestation, when they did it but BEING THE FUCKING VICTIM.

This is a topic that drives me nuts! My neighbour who I respect so much was in charge of discipling young soldiers. I grew up with him (he’s almost an uncle) so we’d fight all the time but he’d always respect me, and I do really really respect him even though I was always a brat around him.

But like, she was the VICTIM of the molestation not the perpetrator. I mean they’re awful and shouldn’t be on air but... this idea that the victims are tarnished is fucking wrong.

This always baffled me too. Also, sure you’re a sick pervert but... how do you go about broaching this to your friends?

I am WAY more interested in the prequel that explains how this bat-shit system became viable. Like watch the politics of how Division 1 and 2 decide, sure yes, yes we will sacrifice at least a child every year - sometimes two!

I realised I wasn’t a real adult was when I was doing my year abroad and my parents were coming. I was so excited to see them and a bit of that was the knowledge that they’d be the grownups and I didn’t have to care about money for a month. My friend on the same program was so happy to see her Mom, but freaking out

So my very cool cousin just finished high school. The school gave them sex-ed all through their education and wanted a sort of balls-out “here is all the health shit you need from here in”. So they hired a seemingly reputable company to give said talk.

Just adding to the “internet hugs from random strangers” train.

This is beyond gross. I hope at the very least this prompts discussion about how bond is granted and the just awful existence of bondsmen. That... is a discussion that needs to happen.

The far far right (like Freepers, “dark enlightenment” sites and Breitbart lovers) have a pretty ambiguous relationships with cops unless they are actually cops - even then it’s touch and go. On one hand #bluelivesmatter and the thug deserved to be shot, on the other hands they’re agents of Big Government who protect

I feel like my college sex-strike could have been summed up by the word “college”...

I don’t get the logic here. They’ve gone beyond “abortion is bad but more violence isn’t right” to “abortion is literally murder and it’s right to kill people to save babies. So I’m going to sit here and post nasty things on Twitter. That’ll stop the baby killers!” I mean, if there was a genuine murder-centre down the