
I say this constantly but I did a humanities/science dual degree and my arts lecturers would say “I’m sure he’s a great scientist but he’s a lousy philosopher” and my science lecturers would say “I’m sure he’s a great philosopher but he’s a lousy scientist.” He’s actually just a lousy everything!

I do actually agree with you sort of. Like there ARE problems with weed and we need to talk about them. And we need to talk about how we deal with self-medication no matter what the substance or activity is. But yeah weed isn’t this harmless thing that never does anything, that doesn’t make it the devil but it also

But like it’s fine as long as you don’t make them cry...

Basically if you’re under 25 and have genetic pre-dispositions it can trigger schizophrenia. And really young kids really really shouldn’t do it because at regular usage levels it can trigger mental illness even with quite minor genetic dispositions, I mean of course if you let your 8 year old drink a six-pack a day

The last (note last) time I tried weed I freaked out and was convinced I was going to die. I cried and freaked out for about 6 hours from like 3 (granted very big) bong hits. I kept making people hug me because I was scared I had already died and no-one had noticed. My theory is that I had an asthma attack which

Can I get a license to Gomorrah? That line was really funny in 2003 I swear.

Meetings with food...

This is why we can’t have nice things

Well I mean, I need an end goal....

As someone who is often hungover in important meetings, I mean who’s FINE in important meetings*. Some people just giggle and stumble a lot. I swear. #drunkies4jess

This is maybe the nicest story I’ve ever read.

My tall friends are all now dating tall guys because the short guys they dated were just arseholes about it.

While shouting about how edgy he is of course.

Also I’ve met French Canadians that other French people could not understand. And their English really wasn’t very good (it was about as good as my French which is less than awesome).

We so often here cases of high-powered pedophile/rapist groups operating in schools/military/the Catholic Church. So maybe that’s not so weird.

In all honesty my first thought was “urgh ~that~ engineering student”, because I did tons of humanities courses (I was science/arts) where there was ~that~ STEM kid who’s so whacky they’re.... Doing philosophy as an elective?

You have a group for oppressed Irish-Americans?

$20 that she doesn’t get on with other women because they’re all jealous.

I really really hate Cumberbatch so I hated his character from the beginning. But “nice” slaveholder’s don’t sell their slaves to known sociopaths to avoid pissing off their head of staff. At best he was a snivelling coward.

To stress the point, even if you had the best master on earth, if they fell into debt or didn’t write into their will that you should be freed then you could become the fucking PROPERTY of the worst person on earth. Because slavery is evil and the fact that a few non-sadists were involved doesn’t change that.