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    The end credits lullaby-ish cover of “Life on Mars” is honestly one of the best versions of the song I’ve ever heard and I am so hoping it gets released.

    Also produced by Blumhouse and co-written by Damon Lindelof, who is not a conservative at all, judging by his instagram. 

    say what now 

    Also, it must be stressed that the specific writers and director involved in this were behind “International Assassin”, one of the best episodes of television written this decade, so while it does look a bit generic, I trust the team behind this completely..

    Ugh, it’s not even THAT ambitious. This would have been a fine sequel and wrap up to the episodic format, but I just can’t understand why it didn’t get made because it sounds like a good but pretty standard sequel.

    Along with that, I mean, yeah, Peridot is the definition of “supporting” these days, but there was a whole half of a season worth of episodes basically devoted to her antics.

    A Sonic-themed love hotel is less surprising considering a large part of that fanbase is toeing that sexual deviance line pretty hard.

    I know this is overused, but I don’t care: Every day we stray further from God’s light

    I'm in a dream I can't wake up from. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the Red Hat Ladies showed up to protest too.

    I'm starting to feel like i'm in some sort of strategy game like Civilization 6 with made up fringe factions that I chose to ignore the whole game until they randomly show up in the end to fuck me over.

    Honestly, while having more women is an 1000% improvement and I agree with the decision, even having a staff full of men that are NOT Chris Carter would have been acceptable. Just keep him away from everything please.

    'Subtle' is not a word I would pair with Aaron Carter. Unless he has it tattooed on him somewhere, which is a real possibility.

    I heard Elijah Wood

    This actually kind of surprised me. I've heard lots of stories of him trying to pick up college-age girls, but never dudes. I just assumed he was a heterosexual skeezeball. Am I out of touch? Oh God.

    They'll either post it today, or 2 months in the future as a 'Great Job Internet!' article long after everyone has forgotten about it. There is no middle option.

    Well Damon did say if the show got popular enough for conventions in the future, he'd make a series on Nora's adventures on the other side with Mark Linn Baker.

    So, like Kevin last week, i'm definitely wondering "what now?". This show meant so much to me, and while I still have feelings from this practically perfect episode to still process, I still feel like a part of my family has died. Thank you "The Leftovers." Thank you for dragging me through the emotional dirt every

    I'm not sure if i'm completely on board with the fact that Laurie is alive. I might just have to think about it A LOT but I feel like it kind of cheapens 'Certified.'

    Yeah, I can definitely agree that the first half was really over-the-top, but the Red Dragon storyline during the second half redeemed that.

    That random ass shot of one of them was definitely unneeded but also DEFINITELY appreciated.