Middle-Aged Pedant Kinja Turtle

Kansas City Chiefs

Toronto Maple Leafs?

Republican, Arizona, Morman, human trafficking, defrauding government programs, somebody’s hitting conservative nutjob bingo somewhere.

You could keep Splinter alive in this here comment section by posting until the site disappears.  I’d keep coming back to it.

Yeah, it’s really shitting on our day. Would’ve been nice if there had been a warning. Splinter’s last article will forever be about AOC’s haircut.

They couldn’t have let Clashtalk live so there’s somewhere to go.

It was lovely knowing you all. See you back on what ever form this morphs into. I figured this was a scheduled day off related to Yom Kippur.

Ya’ll seen this?

Yeah I figured it was that when there hadn’t been any stories put up by now.



Thanks for posting this, QF.

I will always remember Garland as the last top commenter on Splinter.


The good news just keeps on coming. shit...

Ah, crapola. 

Well fuck. :(

If anyone else is wondering why there are no stories today, we’re done here, folks:

It’s been an issue for years that anybody with any pull insists upon producing credit for their movie/tv show as it’s one more paycheck (and a cut at the residuals). So I can fully believe the Academy was asking for justification from not just her.