Middle-Aged Pedant Kinja Turtle

Y’all do a pretty great job with the jokes:

I’d be more worried about the perception of his total health and fitness for the office that the procedure will generate in some of the electorate than the reality of his health.

The number of armchair physicians out there who are absolutely convinced that they understand a person’s health/fitness on the basis of an

Yeah, wasn’t like a huge bypass or anything. He’ll be fine.

$20 he enjoyed Mad Men for all the wrong reasons.

I’m already here - hate it - and am more Progressive than the rest of the state put together. I better go straight to heaven because I’ve seen Hell. 

My sincerest apologies to THE GREATEST GENERATION

He’s older than a Boomer!

It’s time for all the remaining Boomers to head to Florida...and then have Florida sink into the fucking ocean.

He did it because it made his dick happy. Who gives a fuck why? Why is utterly immaterial.

There’s tonedeaf and then there’s this. Christ. 

Surprise twist ending: old white dude can’t tell when women are being polite to get him to shut up and go away.

Particularly if that health insurance is provided by the insurance company the hospital owns or is owned by.

Look I can’t blame you. I honestly thought this comment would get more booing than anything else, and I still didn’t care because I’m just that easily amused.

Point is, if I need that much help from a vehicle, they ought to take my license away.

Lane centering makes your car drive like a crackhead, confirmed

2016 Outback and I hate these systems. I’m able to stay in my lane under normal driving so the only tim eI notice that feature is when it is making a mistake or I was slightly too slow to put on my blinker and the car tries to fight me.

Capable and off-putting. I typically drive with the departure warn left on but the self-centering turned off. One thing I’ve noticed is the sensors are so sensitive that lines of crack sealant are enough to set off the warning.

And although Erik and I are both extremely smart, worldly, and handsome individuals

I think the real issue is that is takes control from the driver when recentering, which just adds to the panic/confusion of the situation. Imagine if a passenger suddenly grabbed your steering wheel, even if they are helping you out.

A lot of younger doctors are also still fresh off their suffering through residencies (a time in which they tend to be short on money) and student loans. It’s no surprise they’d have some modicum of empathy for people who can’t pay for things - chances are they’ve been in that position. My cousin is a nurse and the